Uninvited Guests | Teen Ink

Uninvited Guests

May 17, 2022
By Anonymous

Knock knock knock. I lay in my room, awaiting my friend to come here to hang with me for the night. I get up to let my friend in the door, but once I open the door, nobody is there. I think I just accidentally heard things, and went back to my room to play on my phone again. I get up there and the knocking starts again. I text my friend to see if he is here, and he is not, infact, he is still waiting to get ready to leave. I wonder what it is. Is a dog at the door, a stranger? I am new here, so I have no idea.

The knocking gets louder, and It is starting to become worrisome. I went out to the kitchen to see what it was, only to find out that it was coming from the basement. There was always this door. It is small and locked. I never knew how to get into it but that is where the knocking was coming from. I race back upstairs to get away from it only to hear a creaking. It was opening?! I rushed to get my phone to call 911 and to get out of there, but I heard footsteps from the stairs. I rush to hide, and hide in my closet, behind all of the clothes in a pile. I hear him walking, he is coming nearer. SHOOT, I left my phone on in my room, and it is playing noise. I shouldn’t have hid here, but it’s too late, he is already here. I hear his boots slamming against the floor. 

He exits the room, and I think that I am safe, so I start to come out from under the clothes to find a better place to hide. I get out and he is standing in the doorway. I try to run past him, but it is useless, I am stuck in his hands, his grip strong and tight. I try to free myself but he only grips harder. He takes me to the staircase and throws me down it, I bleed, but I cannot move. I must act dead for survival. He comes to see, and believes that I am dead, but I am not. He goes back into the door and locks it shut. I stand up silently, and rush up the creaky stairs. He comes after me immediately, but I am faster. Or so I thought that I was. I make it to the top of the stairs, and I am tightly grabbed by the neck. I cannot breathe. I am stuck and everything I can do in my power is useless.

I cough and choke as I go back to the basement, where he puts me in the room. He transforms into an exact replica of me, and he locks me in there. Before he goes he looks me dead in the eye in silence.
‘Why did you do this?’ I ask, demanding an answer.

“I’m tired of living this horrifying life, alone in the basement. I am restless, and want to live my life until I cannot any more” He replies, with a tear in his eye.

 He goes back up the stairs as me, and I lay there, as I think of how to get him back, so that I can return to my normal life. When I get up there, he is still me. I chase him and he turns a corner and disappears. I never seen what happened to him or where he went.

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From the Harris Burdick photo "Uninvited Guests"

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