Mortal or Eternal? | Teen Ink

Mortal or Eternal?

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

How would you feel if you had a whole lifetime to live? Would you feel joy or sadness? Can it destroy humanity or make it better? Humanity is the only reason why we feel compassion and kindness towards other people. Would we still feel compassion after years of living?

My name is Sahara, and I was just 18 years old when I found out the unexpected thing that ruined my life. I live in a small city in Arizona that’s called Fairhope. The people there were kind but mysterious too. In our town we had lots of secrets, but those secrets were always away from us for our protection. When teenagers turn eighteen in our society, they get an expiration death date. Some may only have three days to live, and some may have forever. It was a Saturday, and I was celebrating my birthday at a Mexican restaurant with my family members. We were smiling and laughing about the memories we all had with each other. Even the embarrassing moments. We ate so much; therefore, we were so full. When I got home from the restaurant with my parents, I went to my room and I was saying to myself “Wow I’m finally eighteen” I was happy and excited for the upcoming adventures coming my way. I turned off my lights and went to sleep. The next day, I went to the place where they told you the results. After a while when I got my results, I was silenced. I dropped to the floor with tears in my eyes. Shaking and trembling feeling like my life has been fully destroyed. I absolutely had no idea how to feel happy or angry at this moment. I have gotten mortality.

On my way home, someone came to talk to me. It was a girl of my age whose name was Himawari. Her name was strange but unique. Himawari had just turned 18 and she had only 20 days to live. She was very loquacious. Himawari said “I’m not afraid of dying, I just want to enjoy my last days doing the things I love most”. “And no matter what, my family doesn't need me because they are strong people”. Himawari told me that with a big smile in her face. We started talking more and more. And that’s who we became friends. I got home and my parents didn’t ask anything about what I had gotten. I sat on the couch and turned on the news and they were saying how a criminal named Savani is hunting for mortals. The woman in the news said that “She’s dangerous, she's 5’1, 21, and has killed 500 people already please be alert”. Then my parents had turned off the tv quickly and looked like they had seen a ghost. After that,  they didn’t say a word.

It was weird what had just happened. I didn't know if I should’ve asked my mom what that was or just let it go and ignore it. I continue with my day just like normal. Over the years I’ve graduated from high school, became a police detective, and watched my loved ones die. I did the same thing every day: I woke up, ate, worked, and slept. That was my schedule throughout the years. I have never fallen in love because I was afraid that if I did, I'd have to watch them die and stand there not doing anything. I felt tired and drained. I felt depressed because all I wanted was to be at peace. And I couldn’t get that. That’s when the funerals were starting to happen. First my parents had died, my grandma, my dog, and my best friends. Himawari had died earlier in the year. Himawari’s funeral was where I cried the most because her death was early even if I had only known her for a little bit, she was like my sister. It’s when I realized that this wasn’t going to stop that I had no hope. But it didn’t hurt to try. So, I started researching how I can get rid of the death mark. When I researched more and more, I found a picture in a box. It was my parents with another child. She looked so similar she had reminded me of someone years ago. It was the criminal Savani from the news. “She was my older sister?” I spoke.  And another shocking thing I found out was that she was the one who created the death mark date. And I wonder more and more was she the one who did this to me? And why?

Me and Savani are sisters I was shocked. I wanted to know more about what happened and I wanted to talk to her why would she gave me this curse? From nowhere I heard a big bang from the kitchen. I quickly ran downstairs and the first thing I saw was her. Savani said with no emotion “Well you finally find out the truth “. I said, “I did I know now that we are sisters and that you were the one who gave me this curse of immortality”. She still didn’t show no emotion. She said, “Do you know why I gave you that curse of immortality because of our parents they left me for you”. Then she said, “I was 5 when they left me on the street with no food or anything saying they will come back, and they never did.”  I felt so many mixed emotions but one question I had in my mind was “would my parents really do that to her?”. She grabs me by my neck and push me so hard into the floor. We started fighting. She threw the first punch and then I dodged it. she threw knives and I just kept catching and dodging them. When we were done and tired of fighting, we were on the floor covered in bruises. She asked me “Why did they never love me why did they did that to me I was only 5”. All I said was I don’t know.

She looked so empty. Savani had so much anger inside of her and she didn’t know how to release it or to whom. There was a gun on the floor and quickly Savani got it. She pointed the gun to her head and said” I’m done with this life, I have killed so many people and I have no one my husband has died, my friends, my kids because of me” I said “Please you can get through this. She said “I’m sorry I can’t goodbye Sahara and I’m sorry” just like that she was gone.

She was dead. She was dead. She was dead. Even if she put me through this curse, she didn’t deserve this. I thought about how this pain could go away, but it didn’t. So, I did the thing I never knew I was going to do. I grabbed the gun and pointed it to myself and pulled the trigger. I woke up in a place I didn’t recognize, then a voice called me and told me “It’s time” so I followed the voice. I felt like someone was watching me from behind. It was my family, Himawari, and Savani. I cried so much I had missed them.  I missed how they smell, their kindness, and their warm feeling. I haven’t felt this feeling for a long time. I missed being this happy. I was finally at peace.

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