Loch Ness Monster | Teen Ink

Loch Ness Monster

March 15, 2021
By bellaboyd22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
bellaboyd22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt I was on a yellow lifeboat in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. The trees on the shoreline were a weird jungle green color, with pink seahorse fruit on them. All of a sudden thunder roared and icicles were falling from the sky, it reminded me of Wisconsin winter. I remember being petrified that the loch ness monster was going to ambush me. Then just in time Zendaya and Abraham Lincoln came by in a red seadoo bringing bacon egg and cheese biscuits from the Mcdonalds 10 miles from shore.  They were wearing scarves around their heads and grey leather Birkenstocks. Then John Lennon soars in from the sky and says to me, “Mi amor, I will always love you.” I was ambivalent because I thought we were just homies. In the blink of an, I was gasping for air under the water. I swallowed some, It tasted like the lemon-lime bubbly water I had with my dinner. But, when I reached up to the surface of the water for air I had awoken in my bed. Tears were rolling down my face, but everything was calm around me.  

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