The Eye of the Chosen | Teen Ink

The Eye of the Chosen

December 18, 2020
By PlayfulPoet BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
PlayfulPoet BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you truly loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second.

You may ask "What is behind the door?”.

     That may seem like a simple question, but it is one that I cannot answer. For everyone who has walked through that door has not come back. However, rumors have it that it is a magical world, one that only the most creative minds could think of.  Although, rumors also say that the door is picky.  For if someone who has only malicious intentions for whatever is behind the door it will change the world that lies behind it into one of smoky tendrils and flames. The smoke is supposedly said to wrap around the person’s body like a hand around a throat. The fingers of the devil won't let go until the malicious being is all the way through the door and then it slams itself shut. Whoever was with them are left hearing nothing but silence and can only imagine what was happening behind the door five feet in front of them. Now, if the person has pure intentions the door warmly welcomes them as if they were family. The person is last seen smiling.  It is very possible that the reason no one returns to this world is because they have found the magical one more appealing and therefore find it harder to leave or the smoke grabbed them and chose not to let go, saving this world from another evil man.  Now young one, you have a choice to make. Will you take the key to the door and let yourself see what fate has in store? Or will you turn around and go back home to find a new quest? 

Just like that another one was saved from his own destruction. For if he had opened that door he would have only been met with pain.  It was harder to tell this time though, just what his intentions were. It is time I took on an apprentice and teach them the ways of a Fated. Many Fated have come before me and many more will come after; the only thing is... will they be able to tell the pure from the malicious as well as I?  

The author's comments:

This is the prologue of a story I have started writing. This is the POV of a Fated, a person who can see the intentions of a person with just one look. The Fated's job is to stand outside of a locked door, the Fated is not allowed to go in but, Seekers (the ones who thrive for adventures and quests) can. There are several doors across this world and each is guarded by a different Fated. The Fated's job is to heed them this warning, no matter the person's intentions, they just try to make the Seeker change their mind if they see that their intentions are evil/impure. The Seeker however is still allowed to walk through, their fate is just not the one they wanted. As Fateds become older they start to go "blind" aka they lose their sight to see the good and the bad. A Fated's sight can also be stronger thn another, meaning they can see deeper shades of a person's aura (good and bad to sum it up). This Fated in the story is one of the oldest and greatest (think of him as the Merlin of this time). 

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