Beauty and the Book | Teen Ink

Beauty and the Book

December 7, 2020
By leahmcclinton BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
leahmcclinton BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a weird girl named Belle, who lived in a small town with her father. She was the only one in town who knew how to read. She spent her days doing laundry, reading, and helping her father with his small crafts. But one day, Belle’s father went out of town to deliver an order to a nearby kingdom, Corona. In that kingdom lived Gaston, the Prince, who was quite weird himself. His father, the king, was very kind and helped anyone who set foot in their kingdom. The king himself had asked Belle's father to handcraft a little doll house for the Princess. Gaston was kind like his father and was one of many who knew how to read in this kingdom, where Gaston himself had taught others to read.

As Belle went off to the town library, she kissed her father on the cheek and said her farewells, but this time she had one request, a single rose. Her father promised her the beautiful rose as he went off on his journey. Belle went off into town and greeted the friendly librarian to see a new book had come in, one she has never read before. 

“I see you have a new book, where did it come from?” Belle asked with a curious face. 

“Corona, the Prince wrote it himself.” The librarian said. 

Belle quickly grabbed the book and began to read. As she walked home her face was stuck in that book. The book's name, Beauty and the Beast, made her think of how lonely she was and how she wished for love. But as she arrived home, she realized that her father’s horse was there. She ran inside curious to why her father had returned so early but realized he was gone. She looked over to the horse and realized it was spooked. She quickly hopped on the horse and told it to bring her to her father. As she traveled deeper and deeper into the forest she became worried. The horse slowed down to find a large dark abandoned castle, with brown dead moss along the stone. She got off her horse and slowly walked up to the castle, and as she looked around she noticed all the plants near the castle were all dead. As she was about to knock on the door a large mysterious Beast opened it and greeted her. She shrieked and then wondered if it was the Beast from the book she was reading. 

“Well hello beautiful Belle, why don’t you come in?” The Beast said while pushing her into the castle. 

“What--- what are you doing? Who are you? Where is my father?” She yelled. 

“Oh come on now Belle, I am that Prince from Corona that wrote you that book.” the Beast said. 

She walked over to the table that held a large dinner full of meat and sweets. As she sat down, the tea cup and the candle began to speak to her. As the Beast walked away  the little teacup told Belle that she was in grave danger. 

“How so little cup?” Belle said as she carefully picked it up. 

“The Beast, he lies Belle! He lies!” 

The little cup motioned to the book Belle still had in her bag. She pulled the book out as the little tea cup pointed at the author's note where it says the author lived in nearby castle where the 

Trees grew tall, flowers were everywhere, and that this was the only town that had a full library. 

The tea cup explained that the Beast is trying to lure people in to make his castle a kingdom again. 

“The only way you can tell if he is lying or not is if he can actually read!” the teacup said as he hopped back into his spot on the table. 

As Belle looked back down at the book the Beast returned, holding one beautiful rose. As he sat down he handed the rose to Belle, but as she touched the flower she fell into a deep sleep. The Beast picked her up and put her in a bed upstairs. He carried Belle through multiple hallways that held rooms filled with others that were affected by the Rose. He placed Belle in a new bed, with beautiful sheets and fluffy pillows. He then locked the door and went back down stairs to set up for the next victim. Belle by now was dreaming about this Beauty and the Beast story that this mysterious Prince had written. As Belle was fast asleep, her father was out in the kingdom of Corona. 

He had lost his horse halfway through the journey, but luckily the new Prince had found him while he was out on a ride. The Prince happily brought him back to the castle to meet his father the King. 

“Hello King Jasper! I am so thankful your son came to help me!” Belle's father exclaimed. 

“Oh why Maurice, just called me Jasper. You know better than that! So how is Belle?” King Jasper asked. 

“Well she is back at home probably reading in the library, she is a beautiful girl.” Maurice said. 

“Well why don’t we bring her to the castle for a brunch! Gaston would love to meet her, and I'm sure she would love some new books” The King added. 

“That sounds perfect, I will need to look for my horse, he was spooked and left me stranded on the way to the castle.” Maurice mentioned. 

They saddled up on elegant horses with flowers braided in their tails. As they began their journey they had passed by the large dark castle poor Belle was trapped in. As they passed the tall stone wall they heard Belles fathers horse off in the distance. 

“There he is! That's my horse!” Maurice shouted. 

They all began to ride over to the castle but then was stopped by a large dark creature. It took them only moments to realize it was the Beast. The Beast grabbed Maurice and ran through the castle. He locked him away in the bedroom next to Belle’s, but when they were running past the bedrooms he noticed Belle next door. 

“BELLE!! SHE'S LOCKED AWAY IN HERE TOO!!” Maurice shouted as the Beast threw him into the room. 

Gaston and his father heard his call as they jumped off their horse and ran to the castle. They drew their swords as they charged the Beast. 

“Gaston! Rescue Belle and her father, I'll get the Beast.” The king said. 

Gaston ran up the stairs and was greeted by the little tea cup while he walked down a long hallway of doors. 

“Who are you?” The little teacup asked. 

“I'm Gaston the Prince of Corona” 

“Oh you're the guy who wrote Belle’s book!” The teacup exclaimed while jumping up and down. 

“You know Belle? Where is she? I know she is in here somewhere!” Gaston shouted while picking up the little teacup. 

“I'm Chip! She's over there, but the Beast-- he, he put her in some sort of trance. When she touched the rose she went to sleep. Can you help her?” 

Gaston and the teacup raced over to the door. At first the door wouldn’t budge,

“Lumiere! It's me Chip! The Beast is down stairs! The Prince--He's come to help!” 

The door creaked open to show a variety of houseware that seemed to be alive and protecting Belle from the Beast. Gaston walked inside to see Belle gracefully asleep on the bed. He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her on the forehead. Before he could move back Belle jumped up, bumping heads with the Prince. 

“What-- What happened? Who are you?” Belle said while rubbing her head. 

“I'm Gaston, the Prince of Corona-” 

Belle jumped up and grabbed Lumiere, “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU Beast!!” She screamed. 

“No Belle! He's the REAL Prince!’ Chip yelled. 

“The Beast told me he was the Prince of Corona… How can I trust you?” 

“The book, I wrote that, the one right there on that desk. It's the Beauty and the Beast. Kind of ironic you decided to read it.” As Gaston was in awe of Belle's Beauty he realized, “THE Beast! I almost forgot. We have to get out of here and find your dad. My father, the king is downstairs holding off the Beast.” 


They could faintly hear someone yelling in the bedroom next door. 

“Thats my father! We need to find him!” Belle yelled as she ran into the hall. 

They ran over to the door and broke through to reveal her father inside wrapped in blankets that were tied shut. 

“Oh Belle! Thank goodness you are okay. What are you doing here?” Maurice asked. 

They ran over to the bed and began untying the blankets and eventually freed Maurice. 

“The Beast trapped me in here! He lied about everything!” Belle said as she hugged her father and began to cry. 

As they walked into the hallway the Beast stood at the other end holding the King's head dripping with blood. 

Gaston drew his sword and ran to the Beast, “YOU KILLED MY FATHER!!” 

With the help of Lumiere, Chip, and their friends they launched Gaston at the Beast. The whole castle went silent. Gaston looked down at the Beast who now began to turn human. 

The Beast now dripping from his own blood fell to the floor as he realized the curse was finally lifted. The Beast looked up at Gaston who now had tears running down his face, and said, “Thank you…” As he drifted off and died. 

The story of Beauty and the Beast was real, but did not hold a happy ever after for the Beast. He never found love and remained a Beast for eternity. It wasn’t until 100 years later that he began luring people into the castle to try and get his revenge. 

All the little houseware people turned human, and went with Belle and Gaston to live a happy life, and learned to be kind. 

Gaston however, became the king, along with his new Queen, and soul-mate, Belle. They continued to teach everyone in the kingdom to read, and wrote their own story together. They called it, Beauty and the Book. 

The End. 

The author's comments:

Our class decided to rewrite old fairy tales so I decided to do a version of Beauty and the Beast 

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