The Snow Songstress | Teen Ink

The Snow Songstress

June 11, 2019
By Anonymous

A lone girl was walking aimlessly in a harsh blizzard. Shards of ice and snow surrounded her, while a dense fog blocked most of her vision. She wore a black robe, a witch’s hat, and a tear-shaped necklace. In her left arm she held her leather bag tightly, and on her right arm she held her broom which was useless in this harsh weather. The girl was a magician as well as a traveler. Unfortunately for her, she lost her way while trying to satisfy her curiosity. Who was this lost girl wandering to who knows where? Regrettably, it was me. As to how I found myself in this situation let’s go back several hours ago.

I had just arrived at this country hoping to explore all that it had to offer. However I was disappointed to find that the only thing this country is known for is it’s legend of a mysterious singer in the mountains. I tried asking for some directions, but found that the locals were anything but helpful.

And so I began my search for her with the only thing I knew. That she lived in the mountains. Kicking some dust off the ground I hopped on my broom and flew in the sky. After an hour or so of flying near mountains I decided to take a break and rest. Unfortunately it was then that the blizzard suddenly appeared. Which leads to my current situation right now.

To guard against the cold, I conjured a small flame in my hands. I would be warm for the moment, but I still had to find shelter. Even though I'm adept at magic, my physical strength left much to be desired.

After wandering for some amount of time I found myself inside a cave. Taking the time to look at my surroundings I was amazed at the bright lights that lit up this cave. Stones of all kinds of colors were scattered across the walls, illuminating their hues on my body. It was an amazing sight that perhaps made this horrible experience worth it. Something like this was more interesting than a songstress. At least that's what I felt.

Following the lights that littered the walls I found myself deeper in the cave. As I arrived at a frozen lake, the figure of a young girl could be seen at the center. Her entire lower half was encased in ice. She had long white hair and had torn rags for clothes. She stood suspended silently in her icy prison staring at her own reflection.

I regained my senses and I cautiously approached the girl. When she saw me, her face lit up with a bright expression and began to eagerly speak.

“Oh hello there! My name is Nix, but most people call me the snow songstress. It’s been so long since anyone has visited me… Perhaps you came here to listen to my voice yes?”

“Hello Nix, my name is Morgan, I’m a wandering traveller. It would be my honor to hear your voice, but first… would you like to get out of there first?”

“Many have tried, but nothing seems to break this ice that traps me here.”

“Tell me how you got stuck in here maybe I can find a way to help you.”

“It’s a rather long story… you wouldn’t to happen to have some food on you right now?”

I sat beside Nix and took out some sandwiches I was planning to eat earlier. She eagerly took one and began eating. She seemed so dignified before, but now she seemed like a child. After she was done eating she told me her story.

A long time ago a vengeful spirit cursed this country with constant snowstorms. Hoping to appease the god, the locals sacrificed Nix in this cave. She didn’t die however, apparently the glowing rocks had a mysterious power which prevented her death. While she lived, it really couldn’t be called living. In her loneliness she began to sing songs that echoed throughout the mountain range. As for the spirit, they left the country shortly after trapping her. They were probably causing more disturbances in some other country. What a troublesome being…

“There’s my story. Do you think you can find a way to break this ice?”

“I suppose I could try. Let me think for a moment.”

After looking around the cave for some time, I noticed something strange in the Nix’s prison. It was a magic seal that empowered the ice. It seems that they were really thorough in keeping her sealed in here. I spent a few minutes analyzing the components and when I was done I forcefully broke the seal with a fireball.

The sounds of ice cracking rebriated throughout the entire cave. Whoops.

A cascade of ice came crashing down the depths below. Along with the ice, Nix and I also fell below to the icy depths below. Ah, it appears that I am an idiot. Oh, I just remembered I can’t swim. Hmm, it seems that I’m losing consci-

When I woke up I found myself outside the cave with Nix beside me, it appears that the blizzard has passed. She seemed rather worried and called out to me.

“Oh thank goodness you’re awake Morgan! I’m so glad that your plan worked.”

“Well… I didn’t really have a plan. I just saw a magic seal and broke it without really thinking…”

“For someone who’s so great at magic, you have an awfully thick head.”

“Magic and intelligence aren’t the same thing, I know this from personal experience… Anyway what are you going to do now, get revenge on the locals or something?”

“Ah I don’t really care about that anymore. You said you were traveling right? I’ve been in that cave for so long that I never got to see the outside world, so can I-”


“Huh, what do you mean nope?!”

“You’re going to be a constant reminder of my time here. I try to forget every place I’ve been to…”



Nix clapped my face and stared into my eyes with a serious expression.

“Those eyes you have are so lonely. Trust me I know how it feels to be alone, it isn’t a good feeling. I don’t know anything about your past, but right now I see a wonderful person who helped me.”

I stared at my necklace. The only momento I have from my village. I thought I wanted to forgot that horrible incident, but I guess I was only lying to myself. It’s all in the past now, the only thing I can do now is move forward strive to be a better person.

“Thank you, Nix. It’s been a long time since someone has said such kind words to me. If you still want to come with me, you can.”

“I would be glad to travel with you. Come on let's go! The sun’s getting up right now, it’s been so long since I’ve seen it.”

Taking my hand, Nix ran to the mountaintop to see the rising dawn. For first time since my journey started I wanted to remember something. I couldn’t help, but smile at Nix who was mesmerized by the sun’s embrace. Someday I’ll tell her about my past and thank her for giving saving not once, but twice.

And so I continued my journey to nowhere in particular with a new companion beside me. I took out a clean journal and began recording today’s events with a single thing in mind.

I wonder what I’ll discover next.

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