Lunch | Teen Ink


December 12, 2016
By HeyBi BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
HeyBi BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Smiles can be catching, and I think I just caught one." Winnie the Pooh

Just 15 more minutes until the bell rings for lunch. Ah lunch. I love lunch. Not because of the food, but because I sit in a perfect place where I can see you. Don't get me wrong me and my friends have great conversations at lunch. It's just I love the moments when I get to steal a glance at you. It seems like you're looking at me too, but you're to far away and I can't really tell. I hope you are. I look forward to my next class with you where you'll laugh with me. You'd laugh that I broke my zipper or at that joke we heard. We'll sit next to each other and laugh at the argument that started with the teacher and the students. We're the only to not arguing, just taking to each other in our own little world. Ok two more minutes time to pack up. See ya.

The author's comments:

I don't really know who this is about. Anyways hope you enjoy and please comment and rate! :)

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