My Best Friends...Has A Boyfriend | Teen Ink

My Best Friends...Has A Boyfriend

January 29, 2015
By Anonymous

I just don't get it. How can my closest amigo just ditch me for this chump? Captain of the football team...nbd. One day you're eating bluebell ice cream together, talking about your boy problems, then next thing you know, she has to cancel your hang out sesh to go on a date. Seriously, it's like I'm invisible! All I hear is "him this" "him that" "Wanna hang out with him tonight?" NO! No I don't want to hang out with you and YOUR BOYFRIEND! Honestly, what is life? I have feelings too! Next week when they break up, I'll be expected to be the comforter and calm her down. What if I'm not up for that? On top of all that, she wants to do all these weight loss challenges and fitness exercises to loser weight so she can look really skinny for him. I LIKE FOOD! She likes boys... That's wear it all went wrong...

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