LOVE SHOT | Teen Ink


December 17, 2013
By LuisLomeli BRONZE, French Camp, California
LuisLomeli BRONZE, French Camp, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a normal Saturday and Alonzo is waking up to a beautiful sunrise and the lovely aromas of sweet buttery pancakes and waffles with syrup downstairs.
“Alonzo, come get your breakfast!” his mom yelled from the kitchen.
“Coming!” he yelled back, because he knew that if he didn’t that his mom would throw his breakfast out. He dashed downstairs then carried his breakfast up to his room, so he could eat his breakfast and check his Facebook at the same time. When he did, he realized there was a notification on the bottom left hand corner of his screen. He checked the notification and he yelled, “What the heck!”
The look on his face was in shock! It said, Your friend Alicia has a birthday today!
He ran downstairs and yelled at his mom.
“Mom, I need to use your car” he shouted. “It’s Alicia’s birthday today!”
“Who is Alicia?” his mom said looking confused.
“Really mom you don’t know who I’m talking about?” He exclaimed
“Oh your girlfriend Alicia?” she shouted.
“Yes, now can I use the car?” he asked excitingly.
“Sure, keys are in my purse” she said
Alonzo drove off to the mall and called Alicia on the way there.
“Hello?” said a voice on the phone.
“Happy Birthday!” Alonzo shouted through the phone.
“Oh, thanks, I thought you forgot about it.” Alicia said.
“Forget, no I wouldn’t forget about your birthday” he said nervously. “I will be on my way over there soon, okay?”
“Okay, bye love you!” She said.
Alonzo arrived at the mall and did not know what to get for Alicia. So then he thought of the best idea. He walked down the mall and walked into a Build-a-Bear Workshop store.
“How may I help you today?” said the clerk.
“Hi, I need to make two bears for my girlfriend and I,” Alonzo said.
“Okay just go pick out two bears and wait by the stuffing machine.” the clerk said.
Alonzo walked around the store looking for a bear that reminds him of his girlfriend. Then he found the perfect one. There was a bear wearing cheerleader outfit and the number on the outfit was one. He loved the one because he played football and his jersey was number one, too. So then he went to the stuffing machine and added stuffing. Then he found a bear with a football jersey and it also had the number one. So then he did what he had to do and was on his way to the flower shop. When he got there he just grabbed a dozen of red and white roses and was on his way. Alonzo was pulling up to Alicia’s house and when he was pulling up he saw Alicia getting the mail. She saw him walking up to her.
“Hey, why did you take so long?” She asked nicely.
“Because I got you these you these.” While handing her the roses and two bears.
“Thank you so much!” while giving him a big hug.
Alonzo saw that Alicia had a small boxed gift in her hand.
“Who is that gift from?” Alonzo asked softly, trying to keep the suspicion from his voice.
“I’m not sure, I haven’t seen it yet.” She replied as she turned the gift around in her hands. “Oh, there’s a note on the back”
“What does it say?” Alonzo asked his voice a little louder than he wished it to be.
“It says ‘Happy Birthday Alicia, going to see you soon, Love Eric’”, replied Alicia as she ignored his urgent tone.
“Who is Eric?” Alonzo asked.
“Just an old boyfriend, he’s not that important to me anymore. I promise, he is nothing to worry about” she chuckled softly. She said he wasn’t important to her, but her face told Alonzo otherwise.
Noticing the chance of future conflict, Alonzo’s face darkened as he started to think of various breakup scenarios that were caused by Eric. Blowing all of these thoughts off, he tried to remember how strong his relationship was with Alicia, and that nothing could tear them apart. He then started to question Alicia again.
“Why is he coming?” Alonzo asked softly
“Um, I’m not sure, but it’s nothing to worry about, Alonzo. I know that much.” Alicia replied.
“What exactly happened between you and Eric, anyways? Were you guys um…close” Alonzo struggled a bit to get the word “close” out.
“I would rather not talk about it right now” Alicia replied as she looked down at her shoes.
“Why not, if you and Eric had no history together, why is it such a big problem to tell me?” Alonzo snapped, causing Alicia to look up at him, anger in her face.
“Because I shouldn’t have to Alonzo! I shouldn’t have to tell you about every guy I walked by or any guy I had been with. You should trust me when I tell you that someone meant nothing to me whether they do or not.” Alicia yelled before storming outside and slamming the door behind her.
Alonzo stood where he was, shocked, and trying to sort out the last words Alicia yelled before storming away.
“Whether they do or not…” Alonzo muttered to himself softly, as he walked out the door in the direction of his home.
On his way home he was a little worried about the big deal with this Eric guy. Many things were just going on in his mind. He just kept thinking if Alicia still has feelings for Eric or if Eric just had feelings for Alicia. He was about to call Alicia but he was just very upset at her and he knew that Alicia was mad at him.
Later that night Alonzo got a text message from Alicia around 6:30 p.m.
Hey, I wanted 2 know if u were still coming over 4 dinner. Im really srry bout Eric. But I just want 2 let you know that he just called me and he is on his way over here for dinner. So if u would like 2 join I would b very happy. Also dinner starts at 7.LOVE YOU!!
Then Alonzo was thinking if he should go or not ‘because Eric was going to be there but then after he said that in his mind he knew for sure he must go! He kept saying that Eric is not getting between then. He also did not want to lose Alicia.
Then Alonzo had gotten ready and when he got out. His phone was ringing and it was his best friend Danny.
“Hey Alonzo, did you see what Alicia was tagged in?” Danny yelled.
“No, what happened?” Alonzo asked.
“She was tagged on a status with someone named Eric.” Said Danny
“What did it say?” Alonzo asked worried.
“Something about Eric saying, going to see my girlfriend on her birthday!” Danny exclaimed.
“WHAT THE HELL!” Alonzo yelled.
Alonzo hung up the phone and dashed to Alicia’s house as wild as he could. On his way there he was very frantic.
When he arrived at Alicia’s house he knocked on her door and Alicia answered.
“Look, I need to talk to you. Can we go to your room?” Alonzo whispered to Alicia.
“Yea sure!” she said.
They walked up to Alicia’s room without hesitating. Alicia closed her room door behind then.
“What’s wrong?” She said anxiously.
“It’s Eric! He posted a status and said he was going to be with his girlfriend on her birthday.” He said.
“What do you mean? I doubt that he would say that Alonzo!” she yelled.
“I mean he said you’re his girlfriend!” said Alonzo. “I wouldn’t just make it up!”
“Show me!” she exclaimed.
Alonzo took out his phone and went to Eric’s Facebook.
“Nothing is there Alonzo! She said.
“What? It was right here!” Alonzo cried. “He must’ve deleted it!”

“Why would Eric do that Alonzo?” she asked him.
Alonzo had seen lights pulling up in front of Alicia’s house without her noticing. Alonzo told Alicia to stay put and he rushed out her house. When he had gotten outside he saw Eric walking along the lawn.
“Eric!” Alonzo barked.
“Yes?” Eric said with an ugly smirk on his face.
“So who is your girlfriend you are visiting?” Alonzo said.
“Who else you idiot, Alicia!” Eric yelled.
Alonzo had developed a mad look in his face and leaned in closely to Eric’s face.
“Look, the only boyfriend Alicia has is me!” said Alonzo.
“Alonzo!” Alicia yelled from the porch.
Alonzo gently strolled away from Eric’s face to Alicia.
“Hey Eric!” Alicia said like she had never seen him before.
“Hey Alicia, how are you doing?” while giving Alicia a big hug.

“Good, just living life! She said.

“So Alicia, let’s just go inside and lets start to eat dinner!” Alonzo said rapidly.

They all three went inside and all started eating dinner that Alicia’s mom had cooked. During dinner it was very silent at the table. The people at the table were Alicia’s parents, Alicia, and the two guys and Alicia was in the middle of both. After dinner all three went to the couch and started to watch a movie. Alonzo was so tired and wanted to go home but he had to wait for Eric to leave first. When they were the movie Alonzo had seen Eric lift his arm and wrap it around Alicia and Alonzo was not going to let that happen. So then he grabbed Alicia’s hand and told her to rest her head on him because she looked uncomfortable by the way she was sitting. So finally in the middle of the movie, Eric finally left.

“Alicia I don’t want you to see him anymore, I’m very serious!” Alonzo commanded.

“Why Alonzo?” she said. “Nothing is wrong with him, he is just a friend!”

“When I went outside, he told me to my face that you are his girl.” He cried.

“You know what Alonzo; I could hang out with anyone. If you love me you should be able to trust me that nothing will ever go on between Eric and I.” She said.

After that Alonzo had cooled off and gave Alicia a big kiss. Then Alonzo had left her house. Later that night Alonzo was still worried about Eric.

The next morning, Alonzo had gotten a call from Alicia. She had asked him if he had wanted to meet her at restaurant for breakfast. He agreed and got ready and was on his way. When he had gotten there Eric was there standing in the window of the front door restaurant. Alicia was just pulling up when Alonzo was. Alonzo walked up to Alicia’s car and asked her immediately,

“Why is Eric here?” he asked.

“I just thought he could join us.” Alicia said.

“Do you want us to fight or something ‘cause you always want him wherever we go together!” Alonzo asked sarcastically.

Alicia was ignoring Alonzo because she had knew he was right but she just thought that nothing was wrong to see Eric because he was just a friend but she also did not want to hurt Alonzo’s feelings. So she was walking inside the restaurant with Alonzo beside her. When they had reached inside, Eric waved his hand to show Alicia and Eric where their table was. Alicia had sat down across from Eric and Alonzo close to her.

“Eric I know that you think of me as a good friend but I just can’t see you no more.” Alicia said sadly.

“Why?” Eric questioned unhappily.

“Just ‘because you do not need to Eric, don’t act like your all innocent now!” Alonzo commanded.

“What are you talking about Alonzo, just shut the hell up, no one was talking to you!” Eric roared.

“Look Alicia, I forgot to show you this but my friend sent me a screenshot after the whole deal with Facebook.” Alonzo showed her quickly while Eric looked troubled.

Alonzo showed her the screenshot that his friend had sent him about Eric saying he was going to see his girlfriend.

“What is this Eric?” Alicia said softly.

“It not what it seems Alicia!” Eric said.

“Bye Eric.” She said quietly while leaving with Alonzo.
Eric was left at the restaurant and Alicia and Alonzo were on their way home. Alicia drove home while Alonzo was behind her to make sure she had gotten home safely. When they arrived at her house, Alonzo hauled up beside Alicia’s car.

“Hey, I’ll be over later do bring you some dinner, alright?” said Alonzo.

“Okay but don’t bring too much food because my parents are going to be away for the night.” Alicia said.

“Okay that’s fine!” Alonzo yelled.

So Alonzo had left and was thinking about what he was going to cook for Alicia. Meanwhile Alicia wanted to go get a new dress for church, which was the next day. So she left her home and had left off to the mall. Alonzo was cooking at this time. He was cooking his specialty lasagna. When Alicia arrived home she walked up in her room not knowing she had a special visitor waiting for her.

“Hello Alicia!” Eric creepily said.

“What are you doing here Eric?” Alicia said nervously while her back against Eric.

“I just want to talk.” Eric stated.

“We have nothing to talk about Eric!” She said while turning her body towards him.

“But we are meant for each other!” Eric yelled while approaching Alicia slowly.

At the same time Alonzo was pulling up to Alicia’s driveway and he was walking up to Alicia’s front door and tried to knock on her door while he was holding a plate of food. After he knocked he turned around and noticed Eric’s car across the street. So he set the plate of food down and was yelling for Alicia. After he yelled he heard a scream.

“Alonzo, help me!” A voice cried.

Alonzo knew that it was Alicia crying for help. So he started to try opening the door but the big wooden door would not budge. Alonzo called the cops and just told them Alicia’s address and hung up the phone. Then Alonzo remembered that he used to always climb a tree that was close to Alicia’s room balcony every weekend. He went behind the house and climbs the tree. When he was at the top of the tree he seen Alicia struggling to try to get out of Eric’s arms. Alonzo jumped across the balcony and opened Alicia’s balcony doors.

“Do not move, or she will get it!” Eric said with a gun in his hand.

Alonzo ran to Eric without hesitation and Eric pointed the gun at Alonzo and pulled the trigger. After that Alonzo fell onto the floor and all he could see was pitch black. A few minutes later he suddenly woke up and he was laid down on a moving bed and was put into a car with many bright red and blue lights. Then he was taken away from Alicia’s house.

He had woken up to Alicia’s looking at him in a hospital room. He was asking Alicia if he was going to be alright and she explain to him that he was fine. Alicia explained that Alonzo that he just gotten out of surgery and was shot in the chest area. And that Eric had been taken to jail. Finally the doctor came in and told Alicia that Alonzo needs to some sleep for a couple of hours. Alicia gave Alonzo a kiss and told him that she loved him and Alonzo was out.

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