Running | Teen Ink


September 18, 2013
By Anonymous

I was running from him, trying to get away. I knew he was after me, even when I didn't turn back. I could hear him trudging behind me, his breath staggered as he ran after me. I try to take the toughest route i could, without tripping to try to lose him. As I went to go weave through some branches, the hood of my sweatshirt caught, and before I could get free he caught me. Right as he was about to kill me, I woke up.
With a thud, I woke up on my cold hardwood floor in a sweat. My mom yelling up the stairs, “Jeez, Melody! What are you doing up there?” At this I realize that yet again if I didn’t wake up I was going to be late for school. I hauled myself off the floor and over to my closet, that looked like it had exploded over my entire room. I grabbed a pair of yoga pants and my favorite, beat up, green celtics sweatshirt and went downstairs to eat.
By the time I got downstairs my mom had completely forgotten about the thud of me falling and had moved on to something more important than that, picking out her shoes. Unlike me, who doesn’t care what I wear or look like, my mother is the exact opposite. I am Melody Wagner, while my mother is Lola Reed, obsessed with her appearance and always caring about the way she looks. Nothing like my dad was, I am more like my dad than her in a lot of ways, more than she wants to remember. Ever since his accident when I was ten she has wanted to remember nothing about him. She wanted to forget, maybe thats why she has been married twice since he died.
I’m seventeen now, and I’ve become a lot more independent since then. I have learned that nowadays all my mother really likes to talk about is how she looks, and guys she likes, since her divorce papers were finalized last week. As I walk into the kitchen I see my mother dressed in something that look like a mix between Bettie Page and Marilyn Monroe. Her red lips and her blonde curly hair looking amazing as usual, she asks me, “Which shoes should I wear, the black wedges or the red pumps?” As I pondered the thought I saw she was walking around in one of each shoe, both in which made her legs look amazing, but she looked a little lopsided. After a while I decided to tell her the red pumps because they seemed to make her look a lot taller than she actually was, which I knew she liked.
After we had a brief discussion about her outfit and about how I should dress more like her she was off to work and I was home by myself to finish getting ready. I pulled out the eggs and bacon from the fridge and got a pan out of the cupboard when I heard someone in the livingroom. “Mom, is that you?” I yelled, but got no response. I went to go see what it was when all of a sudden I heard the window shatter, and went running. I saw him jump out the window, not seeing who it was but knowing it was a man because of his build. I ran for the phone, but when I picked up the line it was dead, he had cut the cord so he would have time to get away. I immediately ran up to my room to get my cell phone when I smelt something burning and remembered I had bacon on the stove and stopped mid run on the stairs and slipped and fell. I smashed my face three times before making it to the bottom of the stairs. When I hit the bottom I didn’t even think before getting up and sprinting for the kitchen, I wasn’t going to let my house burn down right after it was just broken into. I saw the flames bursting off the stove and went under the sink to grab the fire extinguisher.
I grabbed the fire extinguisher and frantically scratched at the pin until it came out and immediately after I squeezed the lever as hard as possible, after the fire I began to get light headed. That’s when I started to feel light headed and thats when I tasted the coppery taste of blood. After that I passed out...

The author's comments:
This is the first part, i'm working on the next, if you have any ideas, suggestions, title ideas, then leave a comment below and the romance part will be added to this soon don't worry, i didn't mark it romance for no reason.

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