The necklace | Teen Ink

The necklace

October 22, 2009
By Juan Orozco BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Juan Orozco BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was nine I met the girl of my dreams. It was love at first sight. She was beautiful, she was so nice. I used to love going to school just to see her. One day she took me to her house. It was so big, like twice the size of mine. But her mom didn’t like, she told me to go to my house, and to never go there again because I was poor. I went home crying, I asked my dad why her mom had said that, I was so young and at the same time so confused. My dad told me that they were rich, and to never go there again. I kept seeing her in school. Until one day she came to school really sad; I asked her why she why she was liked that, she said that she was leaving town. When I heard this I started crying. I decided to give her a necklace that my dad gave me so she could remember me. She left, and I continued studying. I graduated from college and I became a doctor. One day, walking home from work, I, by mistake, bumped into a woman carrying a lot of papers. I immediately went down to pick up her papers. When I looked up I saw her necklace. The same necklace I gave a girl 15 years ago.

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