A letter for Markus | Teen Ink

A letter for Markus

December 18, 2023
By yagirljessie SILVER, Missouri City, Texas
yagirljessie SILVER, Missouri City, Texas
9 articles 12 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
' Everyone keeps telling me how my story ends. Nah Imma do my own thing' - Miles Morales.

 Rosie nervously fumbled on her handmade letter, as she paced down the stairs. Despite the numerous missions that distracted Rosie, by some luck, she was able to complete the letter just in time for Valentine’s Day. Rosie had made sure that her handwriting was clear enough, just so the love of her life could see all the fancy phrases, and elegant idioms she inserted into the letter. Afterall poetry is still popular amongst folks of different classes. Especially with the rapid rise of radios nowadays. Rosie also made sure that the letter smelled just like lavender. Markus’s favorite scent, if Rosie correctly remembered last week’s conversation. Rosie descended downstairs, and into the basement. With the room getting gloomier and dimmer with each step. As Rosie walked towards the dark abyss, a thought appeared in her mind. What if things did not go well, perhaps terribly. Rosie quickly dismissed the nonsensical thought. Today is going to be a fine day. If she can recall her last meeting with him months ago, Markus is a polite, mild-mannered, and intelligent man. With an interest in machinery. He is commonly found in the basement of the warehouse where the workshop is located at. In there he would construct a small machine for a different job, most of these gadgets are successful, while some can be considered failures. But that last meeting was months ago, who knows how different Markus is now, but Rosie hopes that he hasn’t changed in the slightest. 
After about 20 minutes of walking. Rosie halted on the 15th floor for a quick break. She held up the letter to her face and glanced at it with nervousness. Her stomach churned, and her skin quivered. It’s true that Rosie had spent a lot of her time constructing the letter, but what if Markus rejected the letter? What if he doesn't even Rosie? What if Markus completely rips off the letter, right in front of Rosies eyes. Breaking her poor heart. What if Markus shows no interest in love and Rosie just wasted her time? What if Markus doesn't read the letter? What if Markus never reads the letter, & it gets lost in eternity? Thoughts like these could make Rosie weep and shiver like rain.  
Rosie took a deep breath and continued to walk down to the basement. But as she trekked further down, the thoughts became more prevalent than ever, and plagued her mind. What if Markus despises lavender? What if her writing style is horrendous? What if Markus doesn't like poetry? What if Markus doesn't turn out to be the best man in relationships? What if trouble can occur in the relationship? Would the two ever be friends after today? What if they never talk again? Was it safer when they were friends? Does Markus already have a lover?  What would Markus think of her after this day? Would Rosie embarrass herself?  WHAT IN GODS NAME WOULD HAPPEN NEXT? Sweat dripped furiously from her forehead, as if she weren’t already sweating enough from the mask, she wears for the job’s dress code. Finally, she made it to the basement.  
Trembling Rosie thought of the oncoming disasters that may happen, and shuddered at the mere thoughts, but that didn’t stop Rosie’s. She had made it this far, so it's only fair that she delivered the letter. And so, off she went storming to Markus’s workshop. Rosie navigated through the many halls. Until she came forth to a wall, with a single grey metallic door placed in the middle, without a visible doorknob. Rosie took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It didn’t take long for the door to open to reveal Markus, his painted mask, shaggy brown hair, and oily hands. Rosie cleared her throat. ‘Uh...H-Hey Markus!’. Markus leaned against the door frame ‘Heya Rosie’ said Markus ‘What's up?’ he questioned. She rubbed her hair ‘W-well, you.... know, I mean, you know today is Valentine's Day and..... and..... and... w-well I-I... I....” Rosie lost her words; this could end badly if the silence were to drag on a bit. Afraid to make things awkward, Rosie shoved the letter up to Markus. ‘I made you this!”. Shouted the blond lady. “And I just think it would be really nice to just, um, give it to you.’  
 Markus was taken aback. He never expected anything at this time of year, he much rather spends his time working on machines and studying atoms, but he doesn't mind acts of kindness directed to him, and so he accepted the letter. ‘Uhm, thanks Rosie’ he replied. Markus thought of something else to add but failed, Rosie also tried to come up with something to say but turned blank. The two stood still, until Markus realized a familiar scent. He took a sniff, at the letter ‘Hey is that lavender?’. ‘Huh?  w-why yes.’ answered Rosie,’ I thought you might like it’ she said as she twiddled her fingers. ‘W-well, thanks Rosie’ Markus stammered ‘It's, uh, nice of you to do that. Hehe’ He shared as he turned red and rubbed his neck. ‘N... No problem,’ muttered Rosie. The two of them gazed at each other. It wasn’t until a minute later that Rosie felt the air getting awkward between the two. ‘Uh, I-I should be going’ spouted the blonde lady ‘I-I’ll see you around Bye!’ shouted Rosie, before dashing to the stairs. Markus gave out a small wave 'See you around'. Markus glared at the letter and gave another sniff to the dandy smell. ‘Hmm, nice scent.’ he complimented. ' Think I can read it now.’ uttered Markus before returning to his workshop and shutting the door.  

The author's comments:

Hi this story, is a mini-tale of a project which is set in London during the 1920s. I'll would be posting about their physical appearance and lore soon. Feel free to critique it, if you see any problems. 

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