Secret Love | Teen Ink

Secret Love

March 20, 2019
By Anonymous

I haven't seen her in so long. Six years? Yes, it's been six years since I've seen Amy. Last time we said any word to each other was at the company Christmas party and the only conversation we brought up was that one time I needed to borrow her stapler and accidently grabbed the actual stapling part and had to go to the emergency room with a hand full of metal.

We agreed on meeting up around 5:00 pm at this new Asian restaurant a block away from our old building on 31st street. I heard from my coworker, Tom, that they had the best general-tso’s chicken in the city. I don't know if I believe him, Tom was always changing his opinions and is constantly exaggerating.

It’s so cold. I should've worn my new Calvin Klein jacket I got last weekend on sale, it would've kept me warm while I waited for Amy to show up. It's now 5:30. Maybe she got stuck in traffic. No, you cant get “stuck in traffic” when you're walking four blocks south. I should go wait inside, this is making me look like a crazy person, standing in 22 degree weather with no jacket.


Oh no. She saw me, she definitely knows I was waiting for her this whole time.

“Hey, sorry I’m late, my dog had a huge accident in the living room and I had to clean it and take him out and feed him and ugh… sorry” she giggled.

“It’s fine aha I was just about to go inside and put my name down for a table.” That’s a lie. I did it as soon as I got here at 4:30 exactly.

“Perfect. It’s so nice to see you again. It’s been like six years right? The christmas party was the last time I saw you I think.” She went in for a hug, our arms awkwardly tangling. I held the door as we walked into the restaurant. The smell of soy sauce and wasabi filled my nose as I went up to the counter to ask for a table. She followed.

“Hi, table for two. Jack” I said.

“Yes, your table has been ready for five minutes, follow me” the young girl walked away. I could see Amy’s eyes look at me, she knows I didn't just ask for a table. I walked in the path of the server’s, making sure Amy was close behind.

“Enjoy your meal.” I pulled out her chair, seating her before me.

“Thank you” Amy muttered. I already knew I wanted to try the chicken Tom was telling me about so when the server came back shortly we quickly ordered.

To be honest, I didn't care for the chicken. I just wanted to see Amy. Six years is a long time for a person to change but, she didn't. She still has the same auburn hair and dark green eyes that looked blackened in the dim lighting, and she still has that ring. I tried looking at her features without making her feel creeped out. Her skin was so smooth. I mean, people could talk about Niagara falls and the Great Barrier Reef all they want, but their beauty compares nothing to the beauty that Amy has. The way that her nose, cheeks, and forehead all meet is like a puzzle with a million intricate and diverse pieces, all connecting perfectly at certain points. Her nose was my favorite part. The way it peaked and pointed at a superb degree, steering your eyes to it’s pure perfection and gradually forcing you to see the surrounding features, all complying with the same charming view.

The ring. She has a ring, Jack, she's not yours to keep. God, I wish she was, I would treat her way better than he ever could.

Oh, there’s our chicken. I smiled up at her, waiting for the stapler story to resurface.

“Oh my god. Remember that one time you literally went to the hospital because you grabbed my stapler wrong?” she chuckled. There it is.

“Haha yeah that was not a fun time. I remember just looking down and seeing blood pour out of my palm” I reminisced the image in my mind. It was disgusting.

“Ew, yes it was so nasty.” I could see she had the image in her brain, too. It was the only real memory we had. She couldn't stop laughing, remembering the scene.

Repeating the same story and events, we both finished our plates and the check came. I went to grab it but she instantly took it away from my grasp.

“This one's on me” she smiled. So she wants to see me again? I blushed and grabbed her coat, making my way towards the door, holding it once more.

“It was so nice seeing you, Jack.” We hugged once more.

“Yeah, of course, it was great seeing you too. Do you wanna come back to my place and have some tea or coffee I got this new espresso machine from my brother..”

“I would love to but I really should go back and see if my dog’s okay and Kent and I had plans to watch our weekly show but, I’ll text you. We should do this again soon” she turned and began strolling.

Yes, we should, I’ll wait for another six years, even an eternity to see you once more, Amy.

The author's comments:

This was a short story I wrote in my creative writing class last semester. The assignmetn was a show dont tell exercise where we had to express an idea or feeling without actually telling the reader what that idea or feeling is and I loved the description I put in this piece. 

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