Actor’s Script: Romeo and Juliet | Teen Ink

Actor’s Script: Romeo and Juliet

December 19, 2018
By Anonymous

Narrator walks onto stage. Curtains open.

Narrator: This story you are about to witness, is retold many times. If you have never heard about the story of Romeo and Juliet, have you been living under a rock!? This old English folktale has been told many of times before. But you are so lucky enough that you get to watch it again! Please relax, silence your phones, and enjoy the show!

Curtains close.

Cast gets into places on stage. Curtains reopen.

Juliet walks up to her stand from stage right.

Narrator: Juliet was a 13 year old girl who lived in a bright city they called Verona, Italy. She and her parents did not get along with the Montague family. They were constantly arguing and bickering with each other.

Spotlights focus on Juliet and Narrator.

Juliet pauses and stares in the distance.

Narrator: Juliet, after fighting with him, fell in love with Romeo. Romeo, as you may have guessed it, was a member of the Montague household.

Juliet walks off her stand and off stage left while looking in the eyes of Romeo.

Spotlights change to Romeo(stage left) and Narrator. Romeo watching off stage left to appear as though he is still looking at Juliet.

Narrator: Romeo was an 18 year old man and he fell in love with Juliet of as well. Their families kept them as far apart as possible to stop their hearts desire, but many times they snuck out of their house to see each other.

Romeo walks to stage right and finds his friends. They start all talking at once. Romeo pulls his best friend aside.

Romeo: Phillip! I need to tell you something. It is very important and you have to promise not to tell anyone!

Phillip: Sure! What can I do for you!

Romeo: I believe I am in love.

Phillip rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in a way to show Romeo he is being dramatic.

Romeo: Phillip! I know it sounds impossible and it is hard to understand, but I really believe I am!

Phillip: What do you want me to do about it?

Romeo: I want to see her again tonight! I have something I want to ask her.

Romeo looks off to stage left once more. Phillip tugs on his arm.

Phillip: Again! Are you trying to tell me you have been talking to a Capulet! Your parents will kill you!

Romeo: They will be reasonable.

Phillip: If you believe that they will be reasonable you are a fool!

Phillip exits stage left dramatically(flips long hair)..

Romeo: And he thinks I am a fool

Romeo exits stage right.

Juliet enters from stage left with her friend Emily looking for Romeo.

Juliet: I thought I just heard Romeo around here, Emily.

Emily: We are going to get caught, come on we need to get back to our homes.

Juliet: I told my mother I was going to the park for a short walk before I did my school work. We have plenty of time before we head home. C’mon! I think he went this way!

Emily:I can’t believe I let you drag me into this!

Juliet runs off stage right. Emily follows halfway across stage, but stops. Romeo and Phillip re enter from stage left. Emily hides behind a small tree standing close beside.

Romeo: I might be going crazy, but I promise you, Phillip, I heard her voice! It was sweet but excited. I couldn’t make out what she was saying. Was it about me?

Phillip: Romeo, Romeo, Romeo.

Romeo and Phillip exit stage right. Emily comes out from behind the tree. Narrator enters stage left. Emily freezes in place with a small smirk on her face.

Narrator: Little did Juliet know, Emily also was in love with Romeo. Upset about his feelings for Juliet, she came up with a plan to make him fall in love with her.

Narrator exits stage left. Emily rubs her hands together. Emily laughs evilly.

From stage left, Emily sends a letter to Juliet at her house. The same day(and time), the mailman walks across stage and delivers letter. Juliet reads it and happily skips across stage.

Emily: I was wondering when you would arrive! Come right this way, I have a couple presents waiting for you in the cellar.

Juliet: Why the cellar and not your room?

Emily: They are too important to be able to be shared with my family! Besides, you know my little brother would have gotten into them!

Juliet: Okay, okay.

Emily and Juliet walk down the cellar stairs. The arrive at a table and Emily brings out two large boxes and one small box.

Emily: The first gift I give to you is a painting! I spent hours on it!

Emily hands the painting to Juliet.

Juliet: Thank you! It is so beautiful!

Emily: Of course! I thought you would enjoy it! The second present I have for you is a basket of cookies! My love went into making these lovely treats!

Emily hands Juliet a large basket of chocolate chip cookies. Juliet picks up one and tastes it.

Juliet: These taste great!

Emily: Good! I hoped so! The last gift I have for you is a…

Emily takes the final, small box and opens it.

Emily: Necklace!

Juliet: A necklace! You shouldn’t have! Thank you! Can you help me put it on?

Emily wraps the necklace around Juliet’s neck. Emily purposely pulls the chain to tight, and chokes Juliet to the point of her passing out. Juliet is left laying on the floor. Emily takes of the necklace and puts it around her own neck. Lights dim then go off. Scene changes.

Romeo and Phillip are in the park being told by Emily (who is crying over dramatically) that Juliet has killed herself for a undetermined reason.

Emily: I found her lying on the floor with a dagger in her hand! I don’t know why she would do it!

Emily starts crying. Romeo is shocked, but tries to comfort Emily. He starts to enjoy being with Emily.

After a few minutes of tears, Juliet can be heard yelling for help. Emily’s parents help Juliet and go to find Emily.

Juliet finds Romeo hugging Emily, both crying, and Phillip standing beside them also crying. Emily’s parents exit stage right.

Juliet: Romeo!

Romeo spots Juliet out of the corner of his eye. He immediately lets go of Emily. Emily looks at Romeo, then Juliet. Juliet is furious!

Romeo: Juliet! Wait, stop! It’s not what it looks like!

Juliet sees a police officer walking down the street and runs to him. She grabs his gun and points it at her lover and her friend. Sound effect of gun goes off. Juliet shoots both of them with the gun. Phillip runs offstage. (Either left or right it does not matter!)

Juliet drops to her knees and cries. After a few minutes, Juliet realizes what she has done. Juliet walks off stage left, gun in hand. Sound effect of gun goes off while the lights go off completely.

Lights turn back on and Narrator enters stage left.

Narrator: In the end, both lovers winded up dead, and both of the families surprisingly end up coming closer because of the whole incident. And the two families, unlike Romeo or Juliet, live happily ever after!

Lights dramatically flicker and turn off.

The End

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