The Dysfunctional Family | Teen Ink

The Dysfunctional Family

November 17, 2017
By Anonymous

Natalia and her family walked outside in the hot and damp air. The heat was so    unbearable, Natalia felt like she was going to pass out.

“Mija, go put the bags in the car” her mother said, gesturing for her for to go to the car.

Natalia grabbed the rest of the bags and walked them over to the cab. She walked slow because she was hot and had sweat dripping from her forehead.

“Walk faster Natalia, we don’t have all day!” Her father yelled from the porch.

“Ok, it's not my fault it’s so hot and I don't feel like moving.” She exclaimed and walked to the car.

Natalia got in the car and slammed the door. She had a angry look on her face like her parents just took her phone and grounded her.

Her mother got into the back seat with Natalia and held her hand.

They were leaving Cuba and going to California  to start a new life, and just throw away their old life. But, Nat's mother really just wanted for her daughter and her husband to get along, they always argued.

“Nat, what’s wrong? Is it because we are leaving? Starting fresh?’’ Her mom whispered to her.

“ ¿Por qué mami? Por qué tenemos que irnos?” I won't have any friends or family and dad is always rude to me. I don't want to move with him. I get yelled at for no reason.”

Her mother looked at her with watery eyes and puffy pink lips. “Baby you’ll…”Natalia and her family walked outside in the hot and damp air. The heat was so    unbearable, Natalia felt like she was going to pass out.

“Mija, go put the bags in the car” her mother said, gesturing for her for to go to the car.

Natalia grabbed the rest of the bags and walked them over to the cab. She walked slow because she was hot and had sweat dripping from her forehead.

“Walk faster Natalia, we don’t have all day!” Her father yelled from the porch.

“Ok, it's not my fault it’s so hot and I don't feel like moving.” She exclaimed and walked to the car.

Natalia got in the car and slammed the door. She had a angry look on her face like her parents just took her phone and grounded her.

Her mother got into the back seat with Natalia and held her hand.

They were leaving Cuba and going to California  to start a new life, and just throw away their old life. But, Nat's mother really just wanted for her daughter and her husband to get along, they always argued.

“Nat, what’s wrong? Is it because we are leaving? Starting fresh?’’ Her mom whispered to her.

“ ¿Por qué mami? Por qué tenemos que irnos?” I won't have any friends or family and dad is always rude to me. I don't want to move with him. I get yelled at for no reason.”

Her mother looked at her with watery eyes and puffy pink lips. “Baby you’ll…”“You will be fine, just stop complaining!’ Her father yelled cutting off her mother.

Natalia yanked her hand away from her mom and looked out the window with sad eyes as she removed parts of her long curly brown hair from flying into her face.

About twenty minutes later, they arrived at the airport to take off. Natalia got out of the car and grabbed her bags. She still was upset because of the way her dad yelled at her. Maybe he forgot how emotional and sensitive she was.

Moments after that, all the bags were out of the taxi and they were in the airport waiting to leave. Nat kept her distance from her father and mother, and didn’t speak to him the entire time they were in the airport.
They were on the plane about an hour later. Natalia and her parents put their bags in a cubby at the top of their seats and sat down.

Natalia and her mother’s eyes looked around the plane and all of the people. Her mother had a nervous look on her face like she just saw someone die. Like she was scared of something

“Estas bien?” Her father said looking at his wife.

“Estoy bien, gracias.”  The mom answered smiling.

Natalia then felt sick when it was time to take off. She had a terrified look on her face when she heard the screechy wheels of the plane, roll across the road.

When the plane finally got into the air, Natalia squealed as she felt her stomach drop and her ears pop.
“Silencio!” Her father demanded.

“Lo siento! My gosh” Nat complained looking at her father.“You will be fine, just stop complaining!’ Her father yelled cutting off her mother.


Natalia yanked her hand away from her mom and looked out the window with sad eyes as she removed parts of her long curly brown hair from flying into her face.

About twenty minutes later, they arrived at the airport to take off. Natalia got out of the car and grabbed her bags. She still was upset because of the way her dad yelled at her. Maybe he forgot how emotional and sensitive she was.

Moments after that, all the bags were out of the taxi and they were in the airport waiting to leave. Nat kept her distance from her father and mother, and didn’t speak to him the entire time they were in the airport.
They were on the plane about an hour later. Natalia and her parents put their bags in a cubby at the top of their seats and sat down.

Natalia and her mother’s eyes looked around the plane and all of the people. Her mother had a nervous look on her face like she just saw someone die. Like she was scared of something

“Estas bien?” Her father said looking at his wife.

“Estoy bien, gracias.”  The mom answered smiling.

Natalia then felt sick when it was time to take off. She had a terrified look on her face when she heard the screechy wheels of the plane, roll across the road.

When the plane finally got into the air, Natalia squealed as she felt her stomach drop and her ears pop.
“Silencio!” Her father demanded.

“Lo siento! My gosh” Nat complained looking at her father.“You will be fine, just stop complaining!’ Her father yelled cutting off her mother.


Natalia yanked her hand away from her mom and looked out the window with sad eyes as she removed parts of her long curly brown hair from flying into her face.

About twenty minutes later, they arrived at the airport to take off. Natalia got out of the car and grabbed her bags. She still was upset because of the way her dad yelled at her. Maybe he forgot how emotional and sensitive she was.

Moments after that, all the bags were out of the taxi and they were in the airport waiting to leave. Nat kept her distance from her father and mother, and didn’t speak to him the entire time they were in the airport.

They were on the plane about an hour later. Natalia and her parents put their bags in a cubby at the top of their seats and sat down.

Natalia and her mother’s eyes looked around the plane and all of the people. Her mother had a nervous look on her face like she just saw someone die. Like she was scared of something

“Estas bien?” Her father said looking at his wife.

“Estoy bien, gracias.”  The mom answered smiling.

Natalia then felt sick when it was time to take off. She had a terrified look on her face when she heard the screechy wheels of the plane, roll across the road.

When the plane finally got into the air, Natalia squealed as she felt her stomach drop and her ears pop.
“Silencio!” Her father demanded.

“Lo siento! My gosh” Nat complained looking at her father.She got out he car and she admired the home. She loved the white paint, the tall chimney, the wide spreaded porch with a blue and pink rocking chair on it, and the freshly cut grass.


“Es bonito.” (It’s beautiful.) Her mother exclaimed walking towards the house.

“It is very beautiful. I love it.” Her father smirked and grabbed the bags out of the car. He thanked the driver and walked towards the house.

“Aye mami, grab the house keys out of the mailbox and unlock the door.” Her mother beamed happily.

Nat grabbed the keys from the mailbox and unlocked the door looking inside of the beautiful home. Her father walked in and sat all of their bags on the ground and closed the front door.

Her mother walked around the house and felt on the walls with flower wallpaper and walked upstairs. Natalia and her father walked upstairs and went in their rooms that were already furnished and decorated.

“Wow, I . . . I’m speechless, this is amazing.” Natalia beamed and laid on her bouncy bed with blue and white covers on it.

“Nat?” Natalias dad said walking in her room and sitting next to her.

“Si?” She said looking at her father and sitting up.

“I'm sorry about my outburst and for being so hard on you. I was just upset, really upset that you were mad because we were leaving.”

“It's ok, I understand. I was complaining a lot and I know you got annoyed.”Her father smiled and gave her a hug.


“Te quiero mucho” Her father laughed.

“ Yo también te amo.” Natalia giggled and hugged him back.

Her mother watched as they bonded. This is all she wanted, for her family to be a happy family.

The author's comments:

I had a friend who had this problem before. She used to always talk about it around me and ever since, I have just wanted to talk about her life story with other people. I hope people will get that you shouldn't argue with family, because at the end of the day, you are still family and you will feel really bad. I hope people enjoy becuase I couldn't wait to share my fiends story with many people. 

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