Lax Game | Teen Ink

Lax Game

June 5, 2017
By dmdarin20 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
dmdarin20 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One beautiful day during the summer, Jimmy was headed to the field for his big lacrosse game. He had been looking forward to this game forever because it was against his biggest rivals, The Seahawks. Jimmy arrived at the field, and immediately looked across the field to the other team. He was instantly filled with hatred and fury. Jimmy wanted one thing and one thing only; to beat them. During warm ups, his team was doing laps around the field when he passed the other team and saw his arch nemesis, Rae Sremmurd. “Hey good luck today, you’ll need it!” he said, as he roared is evil laugh in Jimmy’s face. “We’ll see about that.” Said Jimmy. He would do anything and everything in his power to win today's game and show Rae who’s boss. The game started, and Jimmy sprinted to pick up the ball, he scooped it up and ran down the field. He passed it down and then he shot and scored! Jimmy was so happy! Rae was on the field now, and he got the ball, went to the net and scored. Jimmy was furious, he didn’t want to lose. After a while, Rae scored a couple of times and so did Jimmy’s team. Jimmy started to get nervous because they were down by a goal but there wasn’t very much time left. But then, Jimmy’s teammate Brian caught the ball and ran near the crease and shot a behind the back and scored it! Everyone cheered. After the next face off, Jimmy ran and picked up the ball, he looked at the scoreboard and realized there was only 3 seconds left and it was 4-4!!! So he shot the ball at the last second and scored! The crowd went crazy, it was the coolest thing Jimmy had ever done in all 4 years of lacrosse he had played. His team rushed onto the field and trampled him with joy. They started chanting his name, and Jimmy pictured himself in the MLL, in front of millions of fans, and he was happy. After everything had died down, Rae walked up to him. “You know, I never thought I’d say this, but you did a good job today, and I respect you.” There was a silence, and then Jimmy spoke, “I appreciate it, and you too, you fought hard and it was a good game, and I’m happy you are being a good sport about it.” Then they shook hands and parted ways. When Jimmy got home, he thought about Rae and how he had acted after the game. He wondered why rae had been so nice to him after the game even though he was so passionate and wanted to win to badly. Maybe Rae had some intense realization that he hadn’t? Jimmy thought more and more, and came to a realization as well, maybe losing is more beneficial for building character than winning. Maybe Rae had a better experience from losing the game than he had from winning. But he would never know for sure, maybe he had just tried to be nice but in reality he was keeping in his anger and frustrations. Jimmy gave him the benefit of the doubt, and stopped thinking about it. He was still too excited about winning the game to think about that. He spent the rest of the night celebrating with his friends.  

The author's comments:

This is a good piece. 


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