The Stairwell | Teen Ink

The Stairwell

December 16, 2016
By Anonymous

I shut my alarm clock off and rubbed my eyes.  I hopped in my clothes and walked downstairs.  My mom had made me my favorite breakfast.  Waffles with whip cream on top.  The kitchen smelled warm and heavenly.  My brother came downstairs and just had  waffles.  He said it wasn’t fair that I didn't have to go to school in the morning and he did.  My mom explained to him that my appointment was important.

She said goodbye and gave me a kiss.  My mom took my brother to school while I stayed inside.  I went upstairs and brushed my teeth with my toothpaste that was supposed to make my teeth white but, didn’t change anything at all.  I walked downstairs and turned on the tv.  I watched the soccer games that always come on in the morning.  When I heard the garage door open I unlocked the door for my mom.

My mom came in and said we needed to leave for my appointment in half an hour.  That still gave me time to go outside and ride my bike which I love to do.  I picked up my phone and got on my bike.  When I lifted up my heavy bike, my fingers slipped and the gears had broken.  I stared at my bike imagining what I would do if I didn’t have a bike.  I choked back my tears and went inside to tell my mom.  She couldn’t fix it because she didn't know much about bikes. 

I pulled out my scooter and started riding up and down the street.  I could feel my scooter bump up and down on the rough cement.  I had only gotten so far before my mom texted me saying it was time to leave for my appointment.  I scootered home and my mom and I got in the car, buckled up and drove down the street.  After one turn we could already see the building ahead of our car.

We hopped out of our car and walked up to the entrance.  The sliding doors wouldn’t open.  We walked back and forth trying to open the doors.  It was almost like the doors did not want us in there.  A doctor came over and opened the doors from the inside.  We thanked her but, there was no response from her.  My mom and I looked at each other, both of our eyebrows slanted downwards.

The doctor took us up the stairwell which was odd because that was the first time a doctor had done that to us.  The doctor held the door open for us and it almost seemed like she slammed it closed when we got inside the stairwell.  The noise of the door echoed and my mom and I had to cover our ears.  When we were about half way up the stairwell, the lights flickered on and off until it finally decided to turn completely off.  It was so dark inside the stairwell that I couldn't even see my hand out in front of me.  I heard my mom say to the doctor, “What is going on?”.

My mom and I started hearing scratching on the walls in all directions.  The doctor hadn’t said a word the whole time.  We heard a door open and saw the light of the door.  My mom and I ran up the stairs to keep the door from closing but, we were too late.  The door had closed with the sound of the door being locked.  I sat down hoping that my mom would sit down with me but, I wouldn’t know if she was sitting by me or not.  We didn’t know what was going on but, I do know that this had been the wildest doctor appointment I have ever had!  We started hearing laughing and creepy singing but. We didn't know what it was saying.  I put my hands out infront of me and tried to find the wall so I could hear what  it was saying.  I was able to find the wall and hear the whispering.  It said “Find your way out of the stairwell if you value your life”.  I told my mom what it had said. 

We checked all the doors in the stairwell but they were all locked.  I saw a little sparkle in the corner of my eye.  I turned around and saw a key on the top of the door frame. I told my mom and she lifted me up.  I grabbed the key and hopped down.  We heard a creaking sound behind us and saw a safe appear.  We had to figure out the combination to the safe.  I looked around and realized that every door had a number on it.  Next to the numbers, it had a lowercase letter next to it.

I started from top to bottom putting in the numbers and letters but, it didn’t work.  I started again this time from bottom to top.  Still nothing happened.  Maybe the numbers had to go in order and then the letters had to go in alphabetical order.  I tried, 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d, and 5e.  The safe still had not opened.  I tried it the other way around.  5e, 4d, 3c, 2b, and 1a.

  The safe opened with a click and inside was a key to the bottom floor.  I twisted the key a couple of times and the door flung open.  We ran out of the building with the doctors chasing us.  We were able to get in the car and drive to our home.  We went a really confusing route so there was no way they could follow us home. We made it home and sat in releif.

The author's comments:

The stairwell in the hospital that I go to inspired me to do this because the stairwell always echoes and creeks.

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