Time to Leave | Teen Ink

Time to Leave

December 12, 2016
By maddie27 BRONZE, Loveland, Colorado
maddie27 BRONZE, Loveland, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Time to Leave
Scrambling around the room throwing whatever she sees into her suitcase, and bags she finds. Knowing she won't have time to grab everything, reaching for her phone noticing the time read 5:50 pm. He's going to be home any minute, what do I do, what's he gonna say. I need to get out of here. Suddenly the sound of the door shutting strikes fear all throughout her body. Hesitantly turning around, afraid of what she is going to see behind her. Standing in the doorway, nothing but confusion, and anger plastered on his face.
“What's going on here Meredith” he begins to say while walking slowly towards her.
“N-nnothing, I'm g-going to Katie's for the weekend. She and Dave are having a housewarming party,” Meredith replies trying to contain the shakiness in her voice.
“Now why wouldn't your sister extend the invite to me?” anger rises upon his face.
“I just figured you were working all weekend, remembering you told me about the big case you were assigned”.
“You think I'm delusional! I know what is going on, like you need all these suitcases for a weekend!” The back of his hand striking against her cheek.
“Meredith. We still have 30 minutes left in your session. As you were saying.”
“He came home and,” suddenly stopping.
“And what”.
Abruptly standing up and pausing for a moment, as if contemplating whether or not to walk out or not. Quickly walking to towards the exit, reaching for the door knob with her shaking hands, she leaves. Driving home trying to focus on the road, knowing she shouldn't be going back home. It's fine, I don't need a therapist. He won't do it again, he promised me. He's been stressed out because of work, and I know that I probably don't make it any easier. I love him, he loves me. Right? Questions and thought flood Meredith's head, deep down knowing she is just being naive, but not listening. Arriving to the house, she opens the garage door, grabbing the groceries before heading in. Hoping there will be no questioning where she was, when he sees the bags of groceries her her hands. The first thing she notices are the beer bottles laying on the ground next to him, and he's passed out with the tv on.
“Ughh” she sighs making her way towards the kitchen to put the food away. Why am I so tired? It's only 7. Heading upstairs to the bedroom, deciding to call it a day, and hop in the shower before bed. After those 30 minutes of nothing but relaxation, and not worrying about anything that is going on, she steps out, drying off and changing into her pajamas. Creek. The terrifying sound of the bedroom door open, knowing when she walks out his drunken self will be waiting for her. Fearfully opening the door, she walks over to the clothes hamper and places her dirty clothes in the basket, the feeling of his eyes burning into the back of my neck. Not wanting to turn around to face him.
“Wher-re were chu today?”.
“I went to get some groceries,” the smell of his alcohol strucken breath.
“Oh yeah, 4 hours worth of time at the damn grocery store,” his feet stumbling to reach her.
“Yes Josh, would you like to go check the pantry and fridge,” right away regretting saying that right away.
“You-ou think you can talk to me that-t way you stupid b****.” Those words pierce into her spine, making her flinch. Making her way to the door determined to walk out. SMACK!
“What did you do? What even happened?” whispers fill the room.
“Nothing, she fell. As far as the doctors know. Do you hear me? Keep quiet”. Slowly flickering her eyes open she sees Josh talking with Katie and Dave. What is going on, why is my sister and brother in law here?

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