Pink Envelope | Teen Ink

Pink Envelope

October 11, 2016
By Anonymous

“Bye...I’ll miss you so much…” I hugged May and cried. “Violet, I will miss you too…” May said. She give me a special pink envelope.

“What’s that for?” I asked.
“Secret! Open it when you are really upset or happy.” She answered with a mysterious grin.
“Bye! Contact me by mail…… ” I shouted as our family car drive far and far away.
“Finally awake, sleepy?” My younger brother, Ray poke my cheek. I close my eyes. I sighed.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” I said.
He was bored, no one can play with him. I thought he just want to earn my attention, but this time it is too over. He took my envelope and try to open it. After that, I didn’t really remember what I did, all I knew is Ray’s mouth was bleeding and Mom was shouting to me.
We drove to the nearest hospital, mom shouted to me. I was angry. I shouted back. “It not my fault! He take my thing first!”
“No matter what! Hitting your brother is not good!” Mom like Ray more, I thought. She didn’t even care about my feeling!
We arrive our new house at night. It is big and clean, with swimming pool and beautiful garden. It bigger than our old house, but I don’t like it. I want to go back. I want my old house, old school, and old friends.
“Time to wake up! It time for school!” Mom shouted from the kitchen. I hope this is a dream. I open my eyes. New room, it true, not a dream. The sky seems to be unhappy too, crying with sadness.
“Violet! Come help me!” Mom shouted to me. So annoying!
“No! I don’t want to.” I answered. I open the door and run out. I can still hear mom’s shouting sound.
On the way to school, I was sad and angry, “Why?! Why do I need to come here? I want to go back to our old house!” I saw others chatting and laughing, I was jealous. Then I saw two girls walk toward me.
“Hi! Are you a new student?” One of them said.
“She look angry, don’t talk to her!” The other one whispered. I heard it clearly. I got angrier like my body is going to explored.
“Shut up!” I shouted to them.
“Why are you so angry? Can I help you?”
“NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! SHUT UP!!” I ran away as fast as I could. The cloud cry even harder, like it know my feeling.
As the bell ring, everyone was in the classroom. Our homeroom introduce me to the class. “Alright! We have a new student.” the teacher announced.
“Hi...…….Jackson.” I said. Everyone look nice and ask me some question and I answer. All of a sudden, the girl I saw in the morning stand up and shouted, “She is really rude!”
Silence. No one talk for a long time.
“Angelina, what happen?” Angelina said that I hit Jasmine (which is the other girl) and I said bad words.
“No! I didn’t!” I quickly deny. No one is nice anymore. The class is full of throwing thing and “Stranger!” or “Stupid!”. In my eyes Angelina’s evil laughing face and Jasmine’s sad face flows up. I was confuse.
The first day of school was awful. When someone pass by they kick and glared at me. I hope the school was over soon. I found out something strange, when Angelina hit me, Jasmine always said sorry to me. Strange!
“Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong!” The bell finally range. I was the first one to run out. I want to go home! Even it is not as good as the old one, but there are no unfriendly classmate!
On the way back home, I start hating my parents. If they didn’t move to here, I won’t need to come here! It all their fault!
“Sorry for being angry to you this morning, did the school go ok?” Mom asked.
“No!” I shouted! “It was awful! And it all your fault!” I ran back to my room.
That night, I didn’t talk to anyone, I didn’t even eat dinner. I remember May’s pink envelope. Is it time to open it? I ask to myself. No, I don’t think so. I want to open it when I am really happy. I promise May to open it when I am happy.
Everyday is like the first day of school. Bullied, getting hit, people even start ignoring me, like I am invisible.
Note! Threatening letter! A fear fill up my body. It said, “ Come meet me at the bathroom, or else……” I was scared. I don’t know what to do! No one can help me. Hey! Teacher can help me! Great idea!
I tell the teacher for help, and she did help me. But this is where the worse happen…
“Hey! Give me back my book!” I said.
“You won’t need a book if you are a smart guy, stupid!” They said and left. I turn my head again, Jasmine is not there. Why?
That day at lunch, I found my lunch with ink inside. Angelina! You are so annoying! I thought.
“Eat it! You like it so much, don’t you?” I was so angry, I cannot bear it anymore.
“Hey! This is what you want, right?” I said, “Take it!” I throw my lunch to her. Her white dress is messed up. I left.
At home, mom asked me what happen, I lied, she seems to believe it.
I can’t sleep. When I close my eyes, Jasmine’s sad faces flow up. I feel upset. I don’t get it! I am rude to Jasmine, but Angelina bullied me and not Jasmine! I think of May’s pink envelope again. Is it time? No. I hope it will give me good  luck.
I found a new note in my desk. “Come to the library after school” Who is that? The only way to know is to go.
She was already there, reading book. I felt nervous. “Hi...i...” I said.
She turn her head. “Violet, you finally come!” It was Jasmine. I sit down beside her.
“Why?” I asked first, “Why do you say sorry to me? Are you just pretending?” She was shocked. She started slowly.
“Really? That what you think? I just want to be your friend!”
I finally understand! “Sorry, let be friend.” I said. Jasmine smiled.
“So, my name is Jasmine Smith, nice to meet you!”
“My name is Violet Jackson, nice to meet you too!” We laughed.
“Your last name is Smith, right?” I asked
“Do you know May?”
“Yes! She is my cousin!”
What a coincidence! My best friend’s  cousin is my first friend in a new school! I told Jasmine the whole story. I decide to tell Angelina the truth.
“Angelina! I found a note in your desk!”
“Oh? What does it say?”
“Please come to the library after school.”
“Cool! I’ll go.”
So nervous! I don’t know if I can talk to Angelina. If she see this will she bully Jasmine?
“ Why are you here with Jasmine?!” Angelina shouted to me.
“Angelina, calm down. She want to talk to you.” Jasmine told her.
I told Angelina the whole story. How I move, change school, and got bully. Angelina cried.
“Sorry! I am too mean to you. Can we be friend?” Angelina asked.
“Of course!” Jasmine and I answer at the same time. We laugh together. This is what I want. A true friend.
Maybe...others still ignore me; maybe...others still bully me. But it ok, I got friends now.
I open the pink envelope. It was a letter. “Dear Violet, No matter you are feeling happy or upset, call me! I will always be your friend!  p.s. My phone number is xxxxxxxx From May.” I feel really good. I call May. I told her the story.
Is there energy in the pink envelope that support me? Pink envelope. Thanks!

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