The Best fighter | Teen Ink

The Best fighter

March 2, 2016
By Anonymous

On a Friday night at 8:00  Anthony and his brother Don were both at a practicing hard. Anthony was standing at the outside corner of the octagonal ring for his brother coaching his brother for Monday night’s fight.

“Come you could punch harder than that!” Anthony shouted.
Nothing came out of Don. He just followed what his brother said. Don just got done and then Anthony went in the octagon to spare with him.
“Come on your dad is faster than that,” Anthony teased.
“Sure.” Don chuckled .
They both went on until 10:00. both of them got in the car and went home quick as they can so Don could get some sleep for tomorrow weigh ins.
Next two day pasted Don got weigh in last night and got hydrated with some pedialyte. Today was the main event of the evening it was Don Lilly vs Patrick mix. Both undefeated in the bantamweight division (135lb) of the ultimate fighting championship (UFC) careers. Don age 22 is a mixed martial artist and a black belt in brazilian jiu-jitsu, who is the challenger going for the bantamweight champion. Patrick Mix age 23 mighty mouse is a mixed martial artist and a black belt in brazilian jiu-jitsu.
The announcer for tonight was Bruce Buffer, he called up Don first his voice was so nice when he was introducing both fighters. The arna was filled with shouting fans all of them were screaming for patrick the champion. Inside the octagon was blood and sweat on the ground it looked like it was a murder since from the other fight.
before the fight started Anthony said “good luck” well giving him a hug
“thanks” Don said.
The fight began both fighters touched gloves, the fight was on! Don tries to take him down first but Pat blocked it and gave him a good uppercut. Don spit out blood from the punch he got from Pat,he went for it again but it connected this time. the last three rounds ended it was now the last round only 5:00 mins left. Pat quickly tried to K.O him in the last round. Don was tired he got off guard and Pat hit him with a nice flying punch Don got O.K but quickly got back up. Patrick hit him with a spinning punch and Don fell on the ground and go back up again.
Anthony yelled out “call the fight!”
Don keeped on going with the fight,  Patrick hit him again with a flying knee. Don went down hard and Patrick kept on punching him even though Don was defenseless. the referee stopped the fight. Anthony quickly gripped the smooth handle of the cage door, and aggressively pulled the cage door open. Don was still down on the ground he did not get up from the the fight.
Anthony spirited to Don and loued “get help!”
Anthony was trying to wake up Don but there was no pulse from him. Anthony was so heartbroken, his treas was dripping from his eyes. They quickly got help and immediate send him to the emergency room. Two hours later the nurse stepped in the waiting room.
she said in a sad voice  “sorry-but Don is” and she didn't finish the sentence.
“Okay thanks” mumbled Anthony.
The next day there was a interview with Patrick and Anthony. Anthony went to the interview for one wish only. the wish was to pump up a weight class and fight Patrick Mix for the tile, the only purpose was for his brother even though he has a tile in Anthony weight class.
The first thing Anthony shouted with rage to the Patrick was “lets fight!”
“Okay i would take you out to, and then you could see your brother again” Patrick said in a causal voice.
Anthony got up and grabbed his tile and also grabbed Patrick’s tile, He stood up sky-high with both of the tiles in his hands. Patrick grabbed it back and they both tried to fight each other but two bodyguards had to hold both back. Anthony rushed to the door he grabbed his cold,metal shiny tile and smoothly tugged the door open, and left the interview.
So the fight scheduled both fighters were training.The tasty sweet sweat was dripping from Anthony upper lip,form all the hard work and effort he was giving form training for the main event on the next today's. Anthony didn't have to worry about weight because he was bumping up a weight class.
“I am faster than him and tougher than him” said Anthony with a  determined voice to fight.
“Do it for your brother not the tilt” one of the coaching staffs said.
“I am Doing it for him and the family.”
Well Anthony was walking towards the octagon he clinched the cold smooth iron ore of the cage handle and he sleekly pulled the cage door open to go train more. Anthony was done with practice he went outside and he felt a nice cold draft softening across his warm face. He went home exhausted from all the hard work and effort he gave for practice.
The next day passed It was the fight, Anthony went to Don's graveyard and prayed for him and for himself.
“I remember the first day you fight the bully that was the first fought I saw in” said Anthony.
“The fight was on the day of your senior year, you gave him a bloody nose and a black eye even though he was a bigger guy and u just were a 106 pounder for wrestling. That was the funniest part of the year even though you got kicked out of wrestling you still whooped his ass” Anthony said this well he was laughing.
The day pasted to the main event it was Patrick Mix age 23 mighty mouse (bantamweight division 135lb) is a mixed martial artist and a black belt in brazilian jiu-jitsu, vs Anthony pettis age 21 Showtime pettis (Flyweight division 125lb) is the flyweight champion mixed martials and a black belt in brazilian jiu-jitsu. Before the fought starred Anthony went to touch gloves with Patrick to show respect for the beats wins the fight.

It was the last round of 5 mins and 5 rounds, both were doing there best last two round won by Anthony and the other 1st and 2nd round won by Patrick. Both needed to win the last round of the night or they need to K.O. to win the fight. The fight was exciting and the crowds and coaches were screaming their lungs out for each fighter, both Anthony and Patrick were going back and froths. Takedown by Anthony and another Takedown by Patrick going at each others with their striking and their jiu-jitsu. last 10 seconds of the round both tired to take each other down but they could nice blocks by each fighter the round ended.
    The referee grabbed each fighter's wrist.
“25 21 26 the winner by unanimous decision is!,” the announcer yelled….

The author's comments:

what inspired me was that i love to be a fighter in the ufc

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