Into The Nothingness | Teen Ink

Into The Nothingness

February 26, 2016
By Anonymous

Once we fade into this nothingness of our minds, we tend to forget what is really important to us. Family worries and friends fear you, afraid you’ll be stuck in that nothingness, you bring yourself from that empty hole you once hid yourself in to hide from the outside world.

We fear that once we emerge, we will be judged and hurt. Played upon, and struck down. There is no light that we think we see, we walk towards what seems to be our demise. Hoping that we find closure in everything we’ve known to be mad, sad, or bad, but yet finding that we cannot find closure, if we cannot even find ourselves. Life is like a big game that we play day by day, night by night, hoping and praying that something good, happy, and fun will happen. But yet to our surprise, we are waiting for nothing.

We slowly find out that we have no one in this world but ourselves, and by the looks of that, we really have no one, because we even hide from ourselves, in fear of who we even are. We, not yet ready, but scared to face the harsh reality happening around us, afraid to fall back in the hole we just dug ourselves out of. We do not want to fall back into that nothingness and hurt again, we do not want to feel fear, and to be scared. We want to feel free, and happy. But we soon yet find out, that in order for that to happen, we have to find ourselves before we can truly crawl out of that dark hole, and feel once again happy. Though we wait for what is to come, we must work on our own mind, before we try to help the other people fix theirs, we are forever stuck in our own minds thinking everyday how something can be better, and then we see, what it takes for it to be better is for us to make it better on our own.

Out of the nothingness I am finally. Faded from the world I am no longer. I have reached my true demise.

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