What It Is | Teen Ink

What It Is

February 24, 2016
By didi.hoyt BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
didi.hoyt BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To cross the ocean you must first have the courage to lose sight of the shore"

I’m only an inexperienced teenager who barely knows anything, but the way I see it, there might be a way to tell if you’re in love with someone.
There are some people that when you’re around them, it feels like they’ve taken a part out of you and kept it for themselves. You’re nervous and jittery, you’re fidgeting with anything and everything. I don’t think that’s what love is because that’s how people feel when they meet someone new.
But then there are people who, the minute you see them, it’s like you’ve got that part of you back, and there’s your most favorite and comfortable pillow setting in your chest. You live for the seconds that you might be able to see them. You can’t wait to tell them every single thing about your day.
When you think about them, something that resembles that comfy pillow enters your chest through your mind. When you’re with them, you are whole, and you’re hyper aware of everything about yourselves. How close your faces are, and how close to touching your feet are.
If you’re lucky, that person you love will love you back in the same way, and you can be happy together.
If you’re unlucky, that person could feel those things for someone else while you feel everything for them, even though it’s too late.
And then if you’re even unluckier, there’s no possible way in this universe for them to feel the same way about you.
So you compensate and think about them every second instead of being able to touch them, you share your secrets instead of kissing them. And you say luv ya with three heart emojis instead of
‘I love you.’

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