Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover | Teen Ink

Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover

January 19, 2016
By Forever_Strong BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Forever_Strong BRONZE, Auburn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I once heard someone say “No one is ever too broken, too scarred, or to far gone to create change.” I remember the story, the story that changed my life. I was 16 when my best friend died. I never asked how or why or any of those questions I should. It wasn’t me who chose that path, no I was the good child who never saw the pain in her eyes. She was just about to turn 17, she had a life ahead of her. Finish high school, go to college, get married, have children, so much ahead of her and in a blink of an eye it all faded away. You would've never guessed that she was the girl that was in pain, the girl that didn’t see eye to eye with others about herself, the girl that just wanted the pain to go away. Here's the story of my best friend. I hope she knows that she is and always will be loved and missed.

It was a cloudy June day. There were suppose to be some off and on showers all day nothing too bad. It was a little bit colder than the average weather for London. I was working on homework that my teacher had told us to do. It was an easy class really. The time read 14:33 and instead of calling Emma like I normally did I just walked over to her house, she only lived a few blocks away from me. Emma and I were close so we just walked inside like we owned the place. We were like family. I called her mum “mum” and she called my mum “mum” it was just how we were. I walked into her house and called her name but got no answer. It was somewhat normal for her not to answer. She was either too busy working on work or she was listening to music or something that caused her to not always hear me. I walked in leaving my shoes at the door like I always had. It all seemed normal, but what didn’t seem normal was the quietness. It was never quiet in this house. There was always some sort of noise. Normally when Emma was home alone she had her music blasting or she was on her phone talking so loud China could honestly hear her. I let a questioning look fall on to my face. I walked up the stairs to where her room was. It was a short hallway. It had a bedroom and a bathroom. It was Emma’s side of the house. As she got older her parents thought that she needed to learn how to be more independent so they added on a new part to the house for her. I peered in the bathroom and it looked normal, clean but not spotless, everything was where it had been 24 hours before when I was over, it looked almost untouched. I took baby steps to her room which was less than 5 feet away. I turned the knob of the door and opened it slowly. I saw her in her bed with her eyes closed and she looked sorta peaceful. I walked over to wake her up and she felt… Cold. I tried to shake her awake. I kept calling her name but got no response. I had tears pouring down my face. I grabbed my phone and dialed 112. I got an answer right away “What is your emergency” a voice came through the phone. I was sobbing. “M-my b-best friend! S-she’s d-dead!!” I sat on the bed beside her and held her sobbing. “Ma'am there's an ambulance on it’s way.” the voice said. I stayed there sobbing for what seemed like forever. She was everything I ever want. She was my best friend. We had it all planned out. The touring we were suppose to do, we were suppose to be best friends till then end. But the end came too soon. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and just held on to her even tighter. I let all the pain I felt pour out. I was letting it all go. When the paramedics first came into the room I didn’t see them. I was to focused on the fact that Emma was dead. When they told me I had to leave I refused, I honestly couldn't.  They said if i didn't leave they would have to call the police and have me excorded. I got up slowly and looked Emma once over again. She honestly did look peaceful now. Her brunette hair in small waves, she looked like she had been tucked in bed by an angel.

After I left that day it had been a few weeks after the accident that I had gotten any news from her parents. Come to find out Emma had become addicted to drugs. She had been using them for months. It shattered my heart then and still does now. She was an intelligent girl, who just made a mistake and took the wrong path. Now at 22 I have my own daughter, she’s still young but when she’s old enough I’ll tell her about her aunt Emma. She showed me that people are never as they seem. I always thought she was happy with herself but come to find out she thought she had to change. I wish she had seen that i loved her for her and so did her parents and my parents and so did most of the school.  To this day we still love her and miss her.

The author's comments:

No one really know's what other are going through untill it's honestly to late

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