Farm Story | Teen Ink

Farm Story

December 3, 2015
By egifs BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
egifs BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The crop’s done well this year,” Christopher announced proudly, shoving a heaping forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.
Eleanor’s eyes lit up watching the young man enjoying her cooking. “Havin’ a harvest like this comes once in a blue moon!”
Eleanor loved having Christopher to talk to. Being alone for twelve years was enough for her. Before Christopher was hired, the animals were her only friends, and in the South, that wasn't such a strange thing.
“Thanks again for the grub El, but I cain’t fit another bite in this here stomach o’ mine. I’m ‘bout to pop!” Christopher said leaning back in his chair rubbing his stomach.
“Take yer sweet time, honey. There ain’t nowhere you hafta be tonight.” Eleanor took the plates from the table and hobbled over to the sink to wash them. Her already pruny hands scrubbed just like they had for thirteen years. Her silver threaded hair glistened in the sunset from the window in front of her. To her surprise, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders. “I can do that for ya!” Christopher said grabbing the sponge from her hands.
“Gal darn, Christopher, I can do it myself! I ain’t no worn down old woman!” Eleanor declared, playfully pushing Christopher out of the way. He stumbled slightly to amuse the old woman.
“El, it’s fine. Just go rest. You’ve been workin’ all damn day!” he coaxed, picking her up by the waist and moving her out of the way.
“Put me down!” Eleanor yelled, hitting his arm that wrapped snuggly around her waist. She wouldn’t tell anyone this, but she liked the way his strong arms fit around her. The way he easily plucked her from the ground like a fresh peach from the tree just outside the kitchen window. His fresh scent from the shower and slight scent of the fields drew her into him, just as Carl used to. Carl had been gone too long for her to do everything alone. Plus, Caroline was becoming a vet, and didn’t have time to come home and see her mother all the time.
“Let me help an ol’ woman,” Christopher said with a wink as he set her down on the ground. Eleanor’s eyes rolled and a smirk spread across her face as she sat down at the kitchen table. Watching the young, muscular, blonde farm boy stand in front of the sink, she recalled the stature of Carl when he was that young. They were so similar in so many ways.
“A bull in a china shop,” Eleanor snickered.
“Well they gettin’ clean ain’t they?” Christopher said over his shoulder.
“As long as they ain’t broken, yer doing it right so.”
“Thank you ma’am,” Christopher said, drying his hands and taking a seat across from Eleanor. The silence filled the room as they both finally took a breath after another long, hot summer day. Abruptly, the phone rang, causing Eleanor to jump.
“I’ll get it!” Christopher claimed.
“Sit yer ass down boy,” Eleanor said grabbing the phone from the wall. Christopher chuckled and sank back into his seat, “Hello?”
“Hey Ma! It’s Caroline!”
“Hello dear, how ya been?”
“I’ve been on a farm all week taking care of horses for class! Made me miss home like crazy.”
Eleanor could hear her daughter’s smile through the phone. “Well ain’t that sweet, you coming home anytime soon?”
“As a matter a’fact…” Caroline began. In that moment, the kitchen door swung open and standing there was Caroline herself.
“What in the sam hill are you doin’ here?” Eleanor exclaimed as she gave her daughter a hug. Of course, a mother is always happy to see her daughter; yet, her stomach dropped at the sight of Christopher’s eyes when Caroline appeared.
“I told ya I missed home! So here I am,” Caroline greeted with a smile. Christopher watched the touching scene of mother and daughter from his seat at the table.
“Well ain’t this a surprise, “ Christopher bellowed standing up and bringing in the two ladies for a group hug. “Good to see you two together,” he said with a peck on the top of both of their heads.
“It’s nice to see you Christopher,” Caroline giggled as her cheeks turned pink, “Must’ve been a month of Sundays since I seen that smile.”
Caroline wouldn’t admit it, but she came home for Christopher.


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