The Attack | Teen Ink

The Attack

November 29, 2015
By Eeeeesh BRONZE, Vaughan, Ontario
Eeeeesh BRONZE, Vaughan, Ontario
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can!

“Chief! Chief!”, shouted the messenger. “We are being attacked!”
He was breathless, horror sited in his eyes. His words resonated through the atmosphere, making it eerier and creepy. The ears of the citizens now help up: more aware and eager to listen for more.
“What!? An attack?”, said the chief surprisingly. The attack had only been a myth to the people until this very day, when it was actually happening.
“What do you mean attacked? What are you talking about?”, the chief said, aggressively. He could not believe what his ears had just heard.
The messenger seemed bewildered: not sure of what to say further or how to explain the horrific terror they had to face which had been written for them.
“Monster!”, shouted the messenger with fright which gave the chief, along with the citizens, goosebumps on their body.
It was the law: any news, whether good or bad, would never be hidden from its people. Some were against it, as their elders, who had a weak heart, died of shock after hearing a bad news.
“A monster, chief! I saw it with my own eyes: the creepiest creature I have ever seen. It took away half of the village, and now it’s coming for us!” The last four words made everyone shriek and run for their lives. They knew, for sure, that they had nowhere to go. But maybe, running could give them a few more seconds of their life.
Suddenly, the sky was covered with a gigantic, ugly face of the creature: hunger and excitement on its face. It was blocking the whole sun for them. Light had been gone forever. The people, now, could not run; they stumbled, they couldn’t see. The monster was surely their death.
Not a moment had passed when the whole atmosphere was filled with a reverberating sound of their death, coming nearer and nearer. A few seconds later, they all were help up in a big, flat crane and going higher and higher. It felt as if their souls had left their bodies but still, were holding on to them.
They didn’t know what was ahead of them. Death: everyone knew, how: nobody did.
The giant creature or robot: whatever it was, now made a hole out of its body. It was dark inside, but bright enough to make out what was inside. Small, fat soldiers waiting for them to come inside, and who knows what they were about to do with them. A large, flat plate: maybe where their bodies were to be kept after their death. The tunnel seemed to be so deep, a bell hanging halfway through it: maybe it was for celebrating their deaths.
The people were now inside, terrified. All of a sudden, the tunnel seemed to close in on them, crushing them to bits and that was all that they could remember.
“Mom! It was the most delicious rice I have ever eaten!”, said Jimmy happily.

The author's comments:

Something that I always think about when I eat something. So I thought, why not put it into words?

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