Bruised | Teen Ink


October 26, 2015
By sullivanke BRONZE, Weymouth, Massachusetts
sullivanke BRONZE, Weymouth, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From: Rachel
Sent: 9:50 PM
I swear I never wanted your dad to find out this way…

From: Rachel
Sent: 9:57 PM
Why did you intervene like that, throwing yourself in front of the punches? For me? You could have been killed, and I promise you, I’m not worth it.

From: Rachel
Sent: 9:58 PM
Hello? Can you please answer me?! I’m worried!!!

From: Rachel
Sent: 9:58 PM

From: Rachel
Sent: 10:00 PM
I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to yell, I just… I love you… I’m just… scared… confused… i don’t know what to do, what to say. Please let me come see you, please please I need to see you!

From: Lillian
Sent: 10:04 PM
Don’t. I promise you, I’m fine. Please, I beg you please for your own safety, just stay away. I promise you don’t want to see me like this… I’m not myself… I’m disgusting. Plus, my dad is lurking, and you’ve seen what he can do. Please stay away.

From: Rachel
Sent: 10:07 PM
Your dad is there??!! That’s it, I’m coming down there and beating him senseless this time. I don’t care what you look like, I don’t care if he beats me to a pulp too, all I care about is if I’m with you. Matching hospital beds right? But in all seriousness, I’m driving over now. What room are you in?

From: Lillian
Sent: 10:19 PM
I can’t see you get hurt too…

From: Rachel
Sent: 10:21 PM
I have seen the pain he caused you, and I want to somehow soften the blow. I want to be next to you, holding your hand, whether it’s manicured or bruised. All I want is you, and I won’t let your dad get in the way of us. I love you too much to stay away. Sorry babe but you have to tell me. What. Room. Are. You. In.

From: Lillian
Sent: 10:30 PM
No. I already told you no! You are so stubborn and this is a really dangerous situation. You could get hurt, and obviously I don’t want you getting hurt.

From: Rachel
Sent: 10:32 PM
But you are already hurt. You have to believe that I am willing to suffer through whatever I have to in order to hold you again. I will be careful, but I have to see you somehow. Please...

From: Lillian
Sent: 10:45 PM
...Room 202, second floor. Be careful my love.

From: Rachel
Sent: 10:47 PM
I will my love, stay safe. I will be there in 15 minutes, I promise.

From: Lillian
Sent: 5:57 AM
I heard what happened from the doctor, about the car crash? You said you would be here in 15 minutes and you kept your promise, but not in the way that I wanted. I know you’ll never respond, but I just can’t accept that you’re gone. When I first got the news, I was violently sobbing, crying harder than I ever have before, and I swear I could feel your hand on my hand. I looked up hopefully, but all hope was lost when I looked up and saw no one. I love you Rach, and all I want is for you to come back to me. All I ever wanted was you.

The author's comments:

Bruised was a piece that I wrote after hearing about an act of violence committed against an LGBT+ community member. I wanted to communicate that LGBT+ relationships are real and normal relationships.

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