Friends | Teen Ink


October 16, 2015
By Anonymous

There I was sitting on a little bench in the the middle of Central Park.  I was right next to the pond and every time I looked down I could see my reflection.  The leaves covered the ground like an orange and red blanket.  No one was really in the park besides the ducks, some joggers that run by every now and then, and me.  It was a little chilly but I really didn't care too much.  I just like to come to the park to relax and get away from the big city.  It was quiet out here and it's really one of the only place you could come to get some peace and quiet. 
I heard barking and saw my dog running back with the tennis ball in his mouth.  He dropped it next to my foot.  I picked up the slobbery yellow mess and chucked it across the open field to my left and watched him take off after it.  I loved him.  He was a 2 year old German Shepherd,  so he still was a puppy really.  His name was Taz.  I came up with that name when I came home from work and he had eaten a giant hole in my new  couch, part of the table, and a bag of bread that was partly scattered around the house.  When I came home to that mess I figured he needed to be out more so I bring him to the park almost every day to play fetch, and what can I say it's just nice to sit outside.  Taz once again dropped the yellow ball next to my foot.  I grabbed it and put it back in my backpack.  I stood up put the red worn leash on him and started walking home. 
On the walk home I looked around and thought about how wonderful this place was and how I loved living so close to the park.  New York was so much different than Ohio where I was from.  This place was so crazy with all the massive buildings and the people here were well weird.  Back in Ohio I lived close to Miami University.  Don’t get me wrong it was a nice place and all but it was nothing like New York.  New York was just different it takes the breath from you.  I came to New York for college.  I graduated two years ago from NYU.  I went there for Medical School.  I got a job almost right after college working at  Forest Hills Hospitals.  It was an ok job sometimes it could be really stressful but you get used to it after awhile.  “Hey” a voice yelled from behind me.  I turned around and saw my best friend from college.
“Hey what’s up dude” I said back.
“getting ready to go to the baseball game tonight” he said back.
“Thats cool man should be a good game tonight man” I replied.
“I got an extra ticket if you wanna come, it's just a bunch of buddies from college” he asked.
“Im good thanks anyway” I replied
“Ok next time then, well it was nice to see you again” he said as he ran off. 
I stopped and looked down and saw Taz sitting down and he was just staring at me with a blank smile. 
“Come on let's get home ” I whispered.
We headed home and it was a quiet walk the rest of the way.  We walked into the apartment and flopped down on the sofa.  Taz curled up next to me and the next thing I know I was the room was black and I had passed out from exhaustion. 
I woke up to Taz whining and a loud beeping noise.  I looked around and saw a bright glowing light coming from the spare bedroom.  I jumped up and ran over to the room flames had engulfed the room.  I look around and couldn't see the whining noise.  I caught a glimpse of a tail moving around under the bed.  So I ran into the burning room and grabbed Taz from under the bed and ran out the room and left the apartment.  We ran down the stair to the sidewalk where there was already firetrucks and ambilances.  I looked up and saw the building covered flames.  I was just staring up in disbelief when I heard whining come from Taz.  When I looked down I realized that he had some burn marks on his back.  About that time a medic came rushing over to see if I was okay.
“Sir are you ok?” the medic said
“Sir…. hey we need help over..” the medic said as I fell unconscious to the ground. 
When I woke up I was laying on a hospital bed.  I looked in front of me and saw a tv hanging from the tiny room with the news on.  There was a picture of my apartment buildings engulfed in flames. 
“hey where’s my dog” I said to the nurse walking into the room. 
“Well hello Mr. Rasmus” she replied back.
“well I will be better when I find my dog” I told her as I stated to get up.
She ran over and grabbed me and said that I shouldn't get up and if I would lay back down she would go get my dog.  So I layed back down and watched her exit the room.  About five minutes had passed and I started to get worried.  I was about to get up and go kick someone’s butt but that's when she walked back in with Taz.  He walked over to my bed and stared up at me.  His mouth was open and hit tail was wagging like crazy.  His back was wrapped up with some kind of gause.  I reached down to pet him and saw the bandage on my arm for the first time.  It started at my wrist and went all the way up to my bicep.  For just realizing the burns it did hurt quite a bit.  I petted Taz and layed back down and looked up and watched tv for the next day till I left the hospital.  After I left the hospital I ran down to the airport and bought tickets to Ohio. 
“And so that's how we got these mom” I said as I pointed down too our marks. 
“Well i'm glad you guys are ok” mom said back
“Yea me too” I said as I looked down and petted Taz on his head.

The author's comments:

Had to write this for English

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