Befriend, Unfriend | Teen Ink

Befriend, Unfriend

August 23, 2015
By Anonymous

    How do you disassociate yourself from someone? When there's this person you know and you don't want to, how do you un-know them? If you've made the mistake of befriending someone you shouldn't have befriended, how do you correct that mistake? You've already let this person into your life and now you want them out of your life, but you're quickly realizing that it is hard to remove someone once they're a part of your life. It's not that it's hard for you- you're sure, you've thought this through and decided that you want them gone, no, need them gone. But you know it'll be hard for them. This person might have a clue as to how you feel, but not to any extent. And once they do know, they will want to talk, but you don't want to talk about it. You want it to be done. So how do you end a relationship, one of any kind, while keeping it subtle? Because the last thing you need is a big commotion or outburst to mark the end of this friendship. You want to skip right over the hard part and just not know eachother already. So how do you do it? Do you just keep trying, until you finally succeed? Or are you doomed to stay friends with this person forever?

The author's comments:

I think it's pretty self explainitory what was happening in my life while I wrote this piece.

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