Let Love Live | Teen Ink

Let Love Live

May 30, 2015
By Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just a girl trying to get her ideas out there.

She was not pretty, popular, poised, or even properly educated. Her identity was a mystery, for even though she had a name, no one knew it. She forever maintained a gloomy expression on her face, reminding anyone who saw her of their darkest, saddest moments. She had a mother and a father who cared for her deeply and tried their hardest to make her happy, but she could not be pleased, despite their never-ending attempts. She was only irritated by her parents, annoyed at how they kissed her forehead, bought her gifts, said “I love you.”
The truth was she did not want their love. She did not need their love. Her heart yearned for one thing- to be left alone. Therefore, the gears of her mind revolved to find a solution to her problems, to be happy, to get away.
“Tonight,” she muttered, “My miseries will end tonight.”
A shadowy night fell, and so did rain. It pitter-pattered outside the house, softly at first, then at the sound of a thousand drums beating. It was then that she creaked open the door and began her journey away. A bolt of lightning made a brilliant frame and in that split second, her silhouette could be seen, draped in a blanket. She forced herself to walk. As she walked, a raven, as dark as the night itself, crowed above her.
She trudged at the side of the road while passing cars spat mud at her ankles. She was wet, cold, thirsty, and not the slightest bit happier. She roamed into an ally, in hopes of refuge from the harsh rain, for her blanket was damp and did no good. Thirst swelled up inside her until she could no longer bear it. She reluctantly cupped her hands and drank filthy rain-water. Now, the thought occurred to her, that perhaps she was not better off alone.
Suddenly, she heard giggling. She looked up to find an open window, warm light streaming out. From her position, she saw a father lovingly placing his baby into a crib. The mother amused the child with ornaments that dangled from above.
A bullet of guilt pierced her heart as she thought about her own loving family she had hastily left. She realized her mistake. She whispered in a worried tone, “Even though my heart is cold, I should have warmed it to make enough room for at least my parents. They did everything for me, and this is how I repay them? What they had given me, love, is priceless. Oh, but what a shame I realize what I had only after I left it behind like a bag of trash! The love of family is truly the one thing I need to be happy. All those years I ignored them, I should have let love live. Mum and Dad are probably worried about me and I betrayed them. I am forever lost from my happiness, my family, my love. What have I done?”

The author's comments:

A loney girl hates her parents for no reason, but then understands how important their love really is.

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