To all the people of Queens | Teen Ink

To all the people of Queens

January 12, 2009
By Anonymous

November 19th 2008
To all the people of Queens
of whom this may concern

As all of you have noticed the recent article that has been published in the local newspaper, a woman was stabbed at three sporadic occasions in Kew Gardens and met a lurid death. The local authority would also like us to inform you that there were thirty eight witnesses who viewed the crime and did not make a rash action about it.
To the witnesses who are reading this, nobody is in trouble for just letting this act go by, the law seems to have a conjecture that some of the witnesses were aiding the murderer as lookout but have no solid evidence. We would like to notify you that if this incident happens or appears again that you immediately call the police. It’s urgent that we, as a community keep out town safe. We must work together, and work as one to keep our streets clean and safe. If you have any information on the culprit please notify the local authorities and inform them of any other crimes he’s committed. He is currently being held at Kings County Hospital where experts are meticulously working with him for psychiatric observation.
To all local residents, the killer has been caught. He has openly admitted to other killings he’s committed with quip detail and is being held at the Kings County Hospital. It’s safe to walk the streets once more. The local authorities would like to advise everyone to not walk alone in the night. The killer may have been caught, but more appear each time one is caught. They suggest doing the following at night: always walk with a friend, stay on the phone with someone near by, have a blunt object with your key ring, or get a license for concealed weapons. Stay safe at night, know which roads to walk and which to not. If possible remain in your domicile at night.
To all town markets and businesses, the board of education and the kids rights association asks you to be more lax on the teenage workers who have part time jobs, and that they be let off early for a safe travel home during the nights. They also ask that if another killer is noticed by residents or authorities, student workers will get an elapse of time off until the culprit is caught.

Thank you for understanding our concern
Queens local newspaper
Board of education
Kids Rights Association
Local Authorities

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