Led Zeppelin T-Shirt | Teen Ink

Led Zeppelin T-Shirt

February 27, 2015
By Carmina BRONZE, Lee, Massachusetts
Carmina BRONZE, Lee, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

A sweat stained Led Zeppelin t-shirt appeared next to me holding two cans of bud light. The tee shirt was attached to a  round body  that had to buy custom made jeans because they did not carry a size big enough in the trendy stores everyone needed to shop at to be accepted. Hot breath that smelled of cigarettes wafted over my face as he opened his mouth.
“Beer? You looked lonely.”
I stared. I had no idea who he was. I looked away without answering, searching my memory for his plump red face. I dont remember him from any of my classes, although to be fair the past year I haven't been the most attentive student.
“No thanks.”  I said, hoping he would leave me alone.
“Wheres the group of burnouts your usually with?”
“Drunk.” I nodded over to the people on  the balcony of the mansion who were spitting over the railing and rating the girls who walked below them from 1 to 10, screaming the numbers at the top of their lungs.
“Where are your friends?
“Don’t have any.” He smiled with his mouth but his eyes looked dead in the glow of  the Tiki lights and candles littering the yard.
“Bet you don't even know my name, and I've been in your class since 5th grade. “
I looked down at my Doc Martins splattered with clay from pottery class.
“Yeah. I dont. Im Sorry.”
He walked away towards the house.
“Hey dude!?” I called after him but he didn't look back so I continued watching my senior class do idiotic things for the last time before we graduated and all dispersed to hellish jobs and dead end lives.
I was staring at the lights making shapes in the pool, contemplating why I decided to come tonight when I heard the first scream.
“He’s gonna jump!”
“He’s gonna do it!”
I looked up to where people were pointing.
Led Zeppelin t-shirt stood on the railing of the balcony with his eyes closed.
I dont know why, but I ran. Up the polished wood stairs, through the bedroom and onto the balcony. My heavy breathing caught his attention. He turned to look at me.
“Im sorry.” He said.
I stepped forward and grabbed onto the back of his shirt.
“Please don’t.”
He jumped. And I was left, bent over the edge of the railing with a ripped Led Zeppelin t-shirt in my hand.

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