the blind man | Teen Ink

the blind man

February 12, 2015
By IlanaDavis24 PLATINUM, Rye, New York
IlanaDavis24 PLATINUM, Rye, New York
34 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"900 Years of Time and Space, I've Never Met Anyone Who Wasn't Important."

-Doctor Who

The blind Man spoke to me. He spoke very little, but impacted me more than anyone can imagine.
He asked about the world, what it looked like, what colors were in it.
I asked him what he thought.
He responded:
Well, in my dreams I see purple trees touch the pale, pink sky and the red oceans crash onto the blue sand.
I never told him how very wrong he was, he felt so sure of his answer.
He told me he knew the world wasn't  as magical as that.
I said yes and all he said,
"I like to think of my inability to see as a gift. I can give new life to this grieving world and create my own reality.
For when it comes to the blindness of the world, that is you, not me. The trees may not be purple and the oceans may not be red, but I will always see the world different than anyone who actually can see the world.


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