The Chosen Book Project | Teen Ink

The Chosen Book Project

December 4, 2014
By wellis BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
wellis BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Chosen written by Chaim Potok, is an amazing book about two Jewish boys and their relationship. This book was first published in 1967. The two boys, Danny Saunders and Reuven Malter follow two different Jewish religions. At first the boys hate each-other with a passion but then they become friends. The book tells of the two boys’ different lives and how hard it is to follow two different religions yet, still be friends. Danny Saunders is a genius, an incredibly smart boy with photogenic memory. His father is raising him through silence, and it is very difficult for Reuven to understand. While the two seem the most unlikely pair, they get to become best friends.

To begin, the book starts out during an intense baseball game between Danny’s team and Reuven’s team. While Reuven is subbed in at pitcher, Danny comes up to the plate and nearly kills Reuven with a line drive hit. Reuven ends up being in the hospital for a few days and that is when the two become real friends. Danny is secretly rebelling against his father’s rules and is reading books he should not be reading. Danny’s father is very strict with him and only talks to him while they are studying Talmud. Danny is also in the family line and destined to become a rabbi which he does not want. Danny begins studying psychology and would love to become a psychologist. He comes to trust Reuven and his father with many secrets.

On the other hand, Reuven’s eye healed up well and he begins to meet Danny’s family. He is accepted by Reb Saunders, although he has different beliefs. Reuven is invited to study Talmud with Danny and his father and he enjoys it very much. During this time period World War two is taking place and soon comes to an end. It is a very sad time for all Jews and the boys fathers are part of two different groups. Eventually Danny’s father finds out of his secret business. By now the two are in college and have a few classes together. One day Reuven comes over to Danny’s house and they talk with Reb Saunders. Reb Saunders tells Danny why he has raised him in silence and then tells him he knows he will be going to Columbia University to become a psychologist. Danny is relieved and has a huge weight taken off of his shoulders. This is when the two boys, or should I say men, part ways and go on with their lives.

I truly enjoyed reading this book because I can relate to having a great friendship such as Danny and Reuven did. In the book Danny says to Reuven, “‘I really wanted to kill you’” (Potok 99). This quote stands out to me because it shows that in the midst of hate, friendship can come from it. I would recommend this book to a person with determination and that can read through some slow pages. The book was superbly good; however, if you are looking for action and adventure this is not the book for you. The Chosen is a great book and if you have a few spare weeks or so, you should give it a try.

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