I wish I liked bananas. | Teen Ink

I wish I liked bananas.

November 20, 2014
By Luz Miyar-Mullan SILVER, San Francisco, California
Luz Miyar-Mullan SILVER, San Francisco, California
6 articles 3 photos 0 comments

“Can I ask a question?”
“You just did, but fine.”
“Its a problem.”
“Make it snappy.”
“ I really don’t like bananas,but I really wish I did. I’ll see like this amazing banana cream pie and I’ll just want to wolf it down but I can’t because I really don’t like bananas.”
“This is ridiculous Ben. In fact it might be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard anyone say. You just have to accept your flaws or else you’ll be stuck for the rest of your life wondering why you don’t like bananas. Appreciate yourself for liking chocolate or something.”
“No but think about it. Im over here licking my lips over something I hate. It really messes with the brain. It would all be ok if I just liked bananas. My world would be everything I wanted it to be if I just liked bananas.”

The author's comments:

This peice was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend and I truely did think it was a ridiculous thing to stress about.


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