Friend | Teen Ink


October 23, 2014
By SshonN BRONZE, Keaahu, Hawaii
SshonN BRONZE, Keaahu, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hasten Jr. is an average teen going to a public school in California. Then one day a strange kid transferred to his school who’s name was James. After school, I was heading home and I had noticed someone was following me. After sometime I found that James was the one following me. After passing the bridge I hid behind a tree and caught James red handed. When I caught him, he was tongue-tied and couldn’t say a thing to me then run off screaming. I thought to myself what a strange guy then started walking back home.

The next morning, James didn’t come to school but after a few hours had passed he came to school in a dark outfit. James was trying to hide himself from others until Hasten came to him and asked why James has following me. Only 2 words came from James mouth “Go away” in a quiet voice. I was so mad that I took his hat of his head and found that he was wearing a wig attached to his hat. Then noticed that his head was totally bold everyone in class was laughing at him. James never came to school after that it’s been about a week since James never came to school so I went to his house. His mom said he has cancer and he is in the hospital for treatment.
Next day James came back to school everyone was calling he boldly I stood up and said stop picking on James he is going through rough times because he soon might die because of his caner. Everyone felt ashamed because he was really sick and trying to come to school. Everyone was trying to become his friends James rejected everyone and said I was his only true friend. I was surprised but I was happy at the same time but didn’t know why. I thought to myself that’s why he was following me to try and become my friend.

Day after day, James and I would hang out and go all over the city like the arcade, movies and Etc. On a hot day James and I went to the arcade on that day James had collapsed and was sent to the hospital quickly. When we got to the hospital I thought something bad has happened to James. His mom came and saw the doctor. When she came out, I asked her what happened she told me that he had a heat stroke. But it wasn’t that bad when Monday came James never came to school and was gone for an entire month. Time had passed and James never came.

James cancer had gotten worst so that why he wasn’t coming to school in till he had to be transferred to a different hospital. Sometimes I would try to call James but he would never pick up then when it came summer James came back. He told me that the surgery success was very low and he might die in a month. I couldn’t believe it so I would had always visit James. I was kind of sad that my best friend might die I told him just take the surgery you might still be alive.

About 2 weeks has pasted and James decided to take the surgery I was happy but mad because it was like a doubled edged sword. When James had his surgery I was waiting for him with his mom. Then the doctor came and told use sorry but he pasted on. I couldn’t help it so I had cried my eyes out in till I had no tears left. I went to his funeral with my parents and had skipped a lot of school days. But my mom said I had mail it was sent when James died. Who knew that it was James who sent it the letter. I opened the letter and it said,
” Dear Hasten, thanks to you the last few months was the best I ever had I enjoyed every single moment we spent together going to the arcade and movies. You have thought me the true meaning of friendship. If I don’t make it out of the hospital, don’t be sad for me. Continue to be the person you are and remember I will be your friend forever. Yours truly, James.”

I cried myself to sleep that night after I read the letter. When I woke up the next morning, I asked my mom to drop me off at the mall so that I could by a frame. As I walked around the mall I remembered all the times that James and I spent there. I went to the frame shop where a man helped me pick out a frame for the letter from James and the both of us at the arcade. At home, I hang up the frame on wall in my room. And thought to myself he was the best friend I ever had.

The next day at school, there was a new student named Tyler and on that day we became friends.

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