The Evil In Me | Teen Ink

The Evil In Me

May 16, 2014
By becca_george BRONZE, Mountain View, California
becca_george BRONZE, Mountain View, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Evil In Me

“Why don’t you have any powers? You’re different! Different is bad!” teased the bullies. I have learned to ignore them but they won’t stop. So I just go off to my spot in the corner of the school and sit alone, hoping to escape them for a bit.

“My mom says that I just haven’t developed yet!” I say back to them.

“Powers develop in the first month of your life. If they haven’t showed up by senior year, then they are never going to show up. Geez, You don’t know anything, do you?” They walked off laughing. This was what my life was like every day. But the truth is, I do have powers, I just can’t control them. My mom says not to use them because I could seriously hurt someone if I do. So I pretend I don’t have them to protect my classmates. My dad is the most powerful of our kind, but also the most evil. His powers were, of course passed down to me. So was the evil. I go into an evil trance every time I use my powers. The last time it happened my mom had to put a sleep spell on me so that I would snap out of it. And that was two years ago. I know its still there though. When I get mad, I can feel it. I can feel my eyes getting red. I can feel my hands start to burn; I can feel my hair get hotter.

I can feel the evil.

But some times being evil helps with the bullies. Just let yourself get a little mad and your eyes turn red and it scares them off for a while. I got in trouble but it was worth it.

My mom married my dad before he went evil. They were a very happy couple. When my mom was pregnant with me though, some one pushed my dad over the edge. He went so into rage that he couldn’t come back. He ran off to the mountains to protect my mother and I. I have never spoken to my father and I have never seen him in person. Which is something the bullies love to tease me about. It has been going on for 50 years now. And they still won’t stop.

No one likes him, except his followers of course. And they are proud of it. They come to our hose all the time to try and get me mad so I can join him and rule with him. I am no longer allowed to answer the door when someone knocks incase it is more of them. But every time someone knocks and it echoes through the house, I am hoping it will be one person and one person only, his name is Dylan. He’s the only other one like me. And he is the only one who likes me. I am hoping one day he will like me the way I like him. It seems inevitable, we are the same. We have the same “problems.”

“Hey, watch where you going!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” I say after I bump into…oh god…Julian, the most popular guy in school. Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.

“I am so so sorry. Please don’t tell Victoria…I mean, I’m really sorry. It won't happen again.”

“Dude chill. Its ok. I won’t tell her.”


“HA! No, why would help out you? You don’t have any powers. Nerd!” He said walking away. Leaving me to pick up all of my stuff and I sped off to class.

The only time I get to be alone with Dylan is when we are in class because we were put in a special one so we can be taught how to develop our powers. It is the only normal looking room on the entire school, with only two desks in the middle of the room. Dylan sat in one of the two and I walked over and sat in the one next to him. I look up to see that we have a sub. Great.

“Ah, you must be…Ema Swinesburg. Please sit down. Wait…Swinesburg? Just like the-one-we-don’t-name?”

“Yep, He’s my dad.”

“Does the evil run through you too?”

“N-no. Why would you think that?”

“No reason.” The sub then started going off on a stupid lesson that I had no intention on paying attention too.

“Hey Ema.” Dylan whispered to me. “We should mess with the sub. Because she has been told that we don’t have powers so she wont suspect it is us.”

“But we will turn evil.”

“So? Then we will just leave.”

“Awesome.” I said as made a swift movement with my hand causing the eraser in the subs hand to go flying across the room. She stood there stunned, when Dylan made the pencil bucket fall to the floor.

“What? How did that fall?”

“I don’t know.” We said in unison. When she bent down to pick up the pencils and pens I made the door open and slam shut multiple times. Causing her to abandon the pencils to see what was happening. She thought it was someone outside so she went to check to see if someone was there. Dylan closed the door and locked it. I opened the window and stood on the windowsill with my hand out to Dylan.

“Today, we fly.” I say taking hold of his hand and flying into the sky. “Tomorrow we rule!” We flew off into the distance to start our new life together in a big castle. From then on we ruled as one controlling force over everyone. Taking the place of my father. His kingdom was mine. And Dylan and I lived as happily ever after as we could.

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