Falling For The Brutatlity of the Leopard | Teen Ink

Falling For The Brutatlity of the Leopard

April 28, 2014
By Quandrellllj BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
Quandrellllj BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get

Falling for the Brutality of the Leopard

The trouble began when a young girl feel in love with the beauty of a man and the brutality of the leopard. She believed she was loved and respected but in reality she was constantly being physically and emotionally beaten down by the man she called her husband. This was supposed to be the happiest time of her life. Instead after 25 days of marriage she finds out the only way she can get out of the marriage is death.

Like a leopard, her husband would watch his prey like a hawk. The moment she would move an inch he sensed it, he felt it, like he had become a part of her, as she became a part of him. She has had every chance to leave but never left. He had even kicked her out of the house for three days and instead of walking away she carried her weak body back home to him. Everyone would ask “Why would you stay honey? If he really loved you he would treat you like a queen with all the respect and care in the world.” She nodded her head, agreeing with them, and just smiled. She will always smile behind every busted lip and every bruised heart to show her loyalty to the leopard.
Many months pass, and she began to eat more than often and she’d get ill mostly in the morning. Very concerned, her mother takes her to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctors let her know that she was four months pregnant with a baby girl. She was surprised, excited, and very worried about what her husband would say. They never spoke about having children. A few hours later her mother drops her off back home, she walks in and her husband is sitting in his chair reading the newspaper. He asked how was her check up and she replied very quickly that she was pregnant with a baby girl. He put the newspaper down and stared at the ground, moments later he looked up with a smile and said, “I’m going to be a father? We’re going to be parents?” In tears she nodded and he ran over to hug her and put his hand on stomach, motioning that this was his family. In tears she believed all the pain and suffering was over, she believed that from now on she would get nothing but pure happiness and care from her husband.

As the months go on, her belly gets bigger and bigger. Very anxious to meet her daughter, she decides to go shopping for her little buddle of joy. Without worrying about her husband’s anger she decides to leave the house. As she is on her way to the store she realizes she had forgotten her cell phone. She would have gone back to get it, but she believed she would be back in time before her husband got home from work. She arrives at a nursery stores and soon falls in love with everything in the store, and unfortunately lost track of time. As she was checking out, she looks at the clock and it read 5:34pm, and her husband gets home from work at 4pm. At first she had began to panic then she remember he has changed and he wouldn’t hit her especially because she was pregnant. She believed she had nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, she didn’t know her husband came home early and when he couldn’t get a hold of her, his temper rose higher and higher; he began to suspect that she was cheating or she simply found someone else. He began to go crazy with rage, throwing every chair and lamp in sight. The leopard had been released.

She pulls into the drive way and carefully takes all of her bags out of the car. She calmly walks to the door and opens it, as she steps in she notices broken pieces of glass lying on the floor. She begins to worry then she turns to her husband asking him what was going on. He laughed and replied “You know what this is.” She shook her head very confused. “Was he better than me in bed? Does he make you happy? I thought you loved me.” He says. She stands scared and confused. She notices a half a bottle of whiskey in his hand. The first thing she thought of was her daughter. She then begins to slowly walk back to the door so she could get her and her daughter to safety. As she began to go, he starts to scream and she stops. He begins to ask her many questions about her so called “affair”. She stands in silence; he then ran over to her and straggled, her in rage asking her what does that man have that he doesn’t. She tried to speak but no one words left her mouth, she than covered her stomach with his arms protecting her child. He looked at her belly and let her go, he drops to his knees in shame, and he started breathing heavily. Moments later he looks up and asks “Who’s the father?” She stares shocked and before she could answer he screams “Who is the father of this kid, you dirty slut?” Silence is in the air, and then he says calmly “I’m not the father am I? Am I?” Without hesitation he stands up and began to beat her stomach over and over again. She feels the pain of her daughter and begins to bleed, she drops to the floor in tears; her babyhad became an angel. He then stood over her, and said “You will not bring another man’s child into my house again.” He then walked to the bedroom and slammed the door.

She screamed and wept in her tears for hours and hours, as she held her stomach so tight. She knew she had to leave, she needed to get far away from him but she knew he’d find her. A leopard always finds its prey. It was in that exact moment where she realized she’d have to become the beast who finally tamed the leopard. As she struggled to stand up you could look into her eyes and see the beast being unleashed. If you looked in her soul you could see a butterfly that finally got her wings, and when you looked at her body you could see a strong woman who takes no mercy. You could feel her spirit lift from all the pain. She looked up and whispered to herself, “It’s time for a change.”

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