Unfortunate Events | Teen Ink

Unfortunate Events

May 1, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a hot summer day without a cloud in the sky at the airport. Robert and Kyle were with their parents getting ready to get on the plane. “Kyle wake up its time to get on the plane,” said Robert.

“Ok, ok, ok, jeez let’s go then”. Kyle was tired from the long five hour journey to the airport. Kyle, Robert and their mom and dad were on their way to to Hawaii. “Ok, let’s get on the plane,” said their dad. As they were boarding the plane, all Robert could think was this doesn't feel right. Little did he know there was a reason for this feeling.

“Kyle, Kyle, LOOK,” said Robert. One of the engines on the right wing was on fire.
“Should we tell someone?” asked Robert,

“Yeah, Yeah!” exclaimed Kyle. As the flight attendant passed by he got her attention and pointed out the window.

“I'll tell the pilot, thank you for alerting me. Just stay calm. It won't be a big deal, we’ll just make a quick stop.” A few minutes later, as Kyle and Robert were staring out the window, they heard, “ladies and gentlemen we will be having to make a quick stop for a repair and please stay seated.” But Robert and Kyle knew this was not a regular repair. Before they could think about what was going on they heard the pilot scream, “BRACE BRACE BRACE KYLEEEEEEEE.”

“Robert!” shouted Kyle. Kyle had no clue where he was. The last thing he remembered was his head hitting the seat. From there, everything went black. Now he was laying on a tropical beach., in the baking sun, in the middle of the ocean. What do I do? Little did Kyle know that his brother was just a few hundred yards down the beach. A few moments later Kyle heard his name being shouted from down the beach, “Kyleeeeee!” I see him,” said Kyle. “Where’s Mom and Dad? asked Kyle.

“I don’t know I haven't seen them since the plane went down. “What happened? All I remember is getting knocked out,” said Kyle.
“You passed out on the plane when he yelled, “brace brace brace” and I’ll tell you what happened from there.”

“The plane hit the water just a couple hundred yards off shore. That’s why mom and dad aren’t here, they got caught in the plane under the water and they didn't come up. Its alright, they might be down the beach, we just dont know.” Kyle was speechless. He just lost two of the closest things to him and they had no food, no water and no shelter.

“When the plane hit, I was in total shock so I grabbed you and got out the emergency door that we were right by, said Robert. When we got out, I managed to swim over here and plopped you down on the beach and went to look for other people but there was nothing. Now we’re here.” Kyle had tears rushing down his face as fast as he could wipe them off. “We’ll find em,” exclaimed Robert,” I hope.”
“Let’s go, said Kyle as he got up and started walking off.

“Where” asked Robert to find mom and dad or anybody. After a few hours of walking down the beach, Robert had to speak up and say something. “Kyle lets take a break. We've been walking for hours and it’s getting dark,” said Robert.

“Ok we'll stop but out here we should probably make a shelter though. I'll go get some branches. You go get some leaves or something that'll patch the cracks so water doesn't get in. Stay within shouting distance ok?”

“Ok,” replied Kyle.
As Kyle was collecting leaves he heard a bone chilling scream from in the jungle, “Kyleeee.”

“Robert where are you? “shouted Kyle.
“Over here.” Robert fell into a hole that was covered with leaves and had spikes at the bottom it was most likely made by some hunters that had to be on the island somewhere. Luckily he barely grazed one of the spikes and it just cut him.

“Here grab my hand,” said Kyle as he lifted him out of the hole. As they were emerging from the trees, they heard a faint buzzing sound.”
“What is that? “asked Kyle.

“I don't know let’s see if we can get a better view from by the water. HEYYY its a plane,
“HEY HEY OVER HERE,” shouted Robert while he was waving his arms.

Their guts dropped as the plane got smaller and smaller in the distance. “Let’s go, we need to get ready for the night,” said Kyle. A few moments later they had the supplies for the shelter.

“Hold this branch up against that tree so I can tie it to the tree,” said Robert. Robert was the one of the two who had engineering skills. Now let’s lean the other branches up against the big one and then we’ll patch the holes. Their timing was perfect. As they got there shelter, the sun disappeared over the horizon. They got down in there little shelter and used some palm tree leaves to cover up with and stay warm. The next morning they got up and decided to make something in the sand that would catch the eye of anything flying overhead. “Let’s dig a big x in the sand and then fill it in with some big green leaves, “said Robert. A while later they had something that would catch the eye of anybody. When they were done with that they agreed on heading off into the jungle to find their parents. Just a few hundred yards into the jungle they heard the faint noise of people talking in a different language. “Hey get down” whispered Robert.

“I can see them through the trees over here, “said Kyle as he tugged Roberts old sweatshirt. Robert leaned over slowly to see something that he had never hoped to see.

There were two tall skinny men but there was more than just that. They had their mom and dad tied to trees with duct tape over their mouths and blind folds around their heads. “What do we do?” said Kyle.

“Let’s distract them so we can go and get them. I’ll throw this rock over there and then we’ll go and get them. On the count of three, One, Two, Three.” The two men heard the noise and walked over in the jungle to see what made the noise in the jungle. As they were walking over one of them turned back to guard their parents. “We need to get him to go away,” stated Kyle. Just throw something in the other direction of the last one. “Ok, One, Two, Three. The guard looked for a few moments and decided to go and take a quick peak at was making the noise. Ok let’s go I’ll get mom, you get dad,” said Kyle. They ran over as fast as they could and started untying them. Mom dad had a look on their faces that was a mixture of happiness and fear. “Let’s go,” said Robert, “Follow us.” As they ran onto the beach, Robert and Kyle hugged both their mom and dad for what seemed to be forever. “Why did they have you?” asked Kyle.

“We don't know, replied their dad. We swam up out of the plane and you guys were no where to be seen so we swam over to this island.”

“Then these two men took us, tied us to those trees, and started screaming at us,” said their mom.

“Are you guys okay? “asked their dad.

“Yeah we're fine, “replied both Robert and Kyle at the same time. As they were having this conversation they heard something in the distance like the time before.

“Hey a plane. “Wave your arms” said Robert and to their relief it saw them. Twenty four hours later they were back at their home as a family having dinner.

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