Travis, the Dog | Teen Ink

Travis, the Dog

March 12, 2014
By KatieGirl97 BRONZE, Auburn, California
KatieGirl97 BRONZE, Auburn, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination." ― Jim Jarmusch

Guys. Guys. Guys! Let me inside! Maybe if I beg with my eyes, they'll see that I'm cold and my legs hurt, guys! I barked. Good, Katie saw me. Ah, so much warmer. So many smells I can't focus, food, glorious food. It was spaghetti and if I was good and didn't beg then usually Katie gives me the noodles that drop on the floor but I need that food. I'm a good boy, right? Right, guys?
Oh jeez, here she comes. Why does that little pup have to come here? She terrorizes me by jumping all over and talking so fast. Everyone thinks she's so damn cute, when really she just needs to be dragged a couple miles on a leash. She believes she is in charge of me because I am older and can't keep up with her. I bite her and push her, anything I can do to get this stupid hyperactive b**** out of my house.
I hear everyone talk of a new dog, I know I won't live that much longer, but they don't have talk about it right in front of me. I get sad whenever I think of Desmond playing with another dog, then Katie will snuggle with the new dog instead of me. Then Lexi will like the new dog better than me. I can't help getting old. It's not my fault.
I hate getting old. I'm tired all the time and when I'm not sleeping I have to go to the bathroom and sometimes I can't remember if I went to the bathroom or not.
So tired, love my ears kissed. I'm sleeping but I'll give you kisses too because I love you too.
Ahh gunshots. They're bad. Very bad. Desmond playing a loud thing with guns. I wanna bark to tell it to go away. But I don't wanna get up. I so old.
GUYS I have to pee!! Let me out. Thank Dog almighty! I love you Chad! Open the door, open the door, abrir la puerta! I might poop! Holy effing s*** it's cold, I never wanna pee in a place where it's so cold that my pee freezes after it lands. I think that's an actual place, isn't it in Alaska? I think I remember the magic screen showing it. Brr that's cold. Let me in please, I so cold. Hey where you guys going? Don't leave. Okay, you can leave, but come back soon. I love those guys.
Alexia Rae Johnson play with me! I wish to be loved and petted and kissed and snuggled and you're just ignoring me. What are you putting on your face? Ew what's that smell? Is it coming out of that pink bottle? Ick! i think she likes the way it smells.
Why is this white ball of fluff screaming? I looked at it. It stared back, without breaking eye contact. I sniffed it. It tensed and ran away screaming. Um what? What an odd little creature.
Naptime. I’m running, I’m young again. It doesn’t hurt when I run. I’ll chase rabbits and race with other dogs in my dreams cause it doesn’t hurt to run. A laugh wakes me, apparently I was running in my sleep.
I love chasing Desmond on the dirtbike but he goes so far so fast, pant, pant, pant. I can’t breathe. Water. I need water. My lungs are closing, I can’t breath. Gulp, gulp. It doesn’t help, I need to calm down, that’s when I can breathe again.
I’m happy with being a dog. I get love, food, sleep and a happy family.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in my creative writing class. The theme was stream of consciousness.

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