The World of Oxymoron's | Teen Ink

The World of Oxymoron's

February 19, 2014
By secretgb SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
secretgb SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Smile. Why? Because you can.


As I was acting natural, I was learning the advanced basics of being a comedian. I started with the joke about airline food, but hearing people saying “Good Grief” made me rethink some things. After being turned down from some other comedy places I started looking into being a pastry chef.

I began in making Diet Ice Cream, and graduated into making Twelve-Ounce Pound Cake. It was oh so wonderful and tasty. After the day was over, I gave my boss almost exactly the amount of money I made today. I asked her for a working vacation and she laughed in my face.
When I got home, my husband and I were alone together watching the news. They had some segments on the Sanitary Landfill estimating on when there will be a land slide. They also talked about the Government Organization and how it was set up. There was a story on the resident alien that lives in North Carolina and how he claims that he was “Legally Drunk” when we set “The Clam” (a local bar) on fire. A 52-year-old man was found missing from Foothills Retirement Home. It was pretty sad to hear that an elderly man had gone missing. After they talked about the cute cat that went viral, they mentioned something about the synthetic natural gas tank that had a leaked out. They are telling everyone to stay indoors until further notice.

After the news was over, I switched to my favorite television show “The Living Dead”. Tonight was taped live in front of a studio audience. They are going to do a zombie shoot out and it is going to be awesome. My husband clearly misunderstands the love I have for this show. The show also deals with religious tolerance that he doesn’t like, so I know where he is coming from.

When that was over, it was now my time to childproof everything since my nieces and nephews where coming over for the weekend. I put on my plastic glasses, some tight slacks, and listened to some rap music so I could start to clean the house.

When I was done, I went to the bed to watch the American History channel. I slowly drifted into a deep sleep to wake up to a great morning.

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