Destiny at its Finest | Teen Ink

Destiny at its Finest

January 8, 2014
By alex_miranda BRONZE, Everson, Washington
alex_miranda BRONZE, Everson, Washington
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Walking towards the damn high tech doors sweating every dang source of water I had left in my body. Looking up at the doors I see nothing but the howling cold wind bashing against the doors awaiting my arrival to step outside so that it may engulf me frizzing away every little part of my body. Sweat turning in little drops of ice breath frizzing up in mid air as I released it out of my body. I was releasing one breath at a time fogging up my vision, my body freezing up slowly with every second that I spent just starring into the parking lot. The parking lot was a place that seemed to look back at me with its black figure just waiting to engulf so that I may never be seen again. At my arrival the place was full no where to park ended up fining a spot a couple yards from the entrance although now it looked like I would need to hike my way to my car. Stepping out I was now to make my journey through the cold arctic wind pushing me back every couple of steps when the wind felt the strength to.

After what seemed like a long unexpected journey battling the cold night I finally arrived at my car, friends following right behind like penguins moving slowly through the cold wind. As soon as we got in it was like a scene straight out of an action movie bullets flying through the air and everybody just diving throwing themselves for cover into my car. Anger was filling the air as people screamed "crank up the heat till it reaches the suns temperature" nothing but quick hand movements were being made trying to find the right key and attempting to fit them into the ignition. Shaking cold hands were not making it easy as well it was like letting a ninety year old stick a piece of yarn through a needle. Every little attempt showing failure either hitting to high or too low. The anxiety of the passengers was rising, every single person holding their hands together trying to warm them up with whatever warm air remained hidden within the body. After a few seconds that seemed to go by like hours success was achieved. Plan now was to go out and have a nice team dinner although the night wasn't looking to young so the rush to go out and eat was big so we could then show up home before the panic grew among our parents. The place and time was planned nothing but a couple of distractions to render the brain completely useless for the things that matter. Safety simply one of the most important things that one should focus on was completely clocked at the time. Friends that were leading the way to an unfamiliar restaurant were ready to leave and already had their light in reverse. The situation grew and grew one friend asking were the charger was another friend in the back asking for the aux cord to play music. Noise had become a problem and then the back and side windows seemed to be resisting the warm air that was meant to clear them up. The condensation that had engulfed them it seemed to have found an antidote in order to stick around. At the moment safety was probably lost like an isolated person in a foreign jungle every turn and signals to make them known ending in a complete failure. With every turn to find the way out ending to turn those to the same start point.

Finally the decision was made there was no need to wait for those windows to clear up the important one was the front one and that was all that seemed to matter now. My foot slowly pushing on the gas and then came the sound of a friend calling my name and trying to ask for a ride. Without any hesitation to stop pushing on the gas I turned my head towards him which was the final decision that I made before I wrecked my lambo. The next thing I knew was the sudden jolt of my precious smacking up against another beauty in the back. Dang car was like a 2014 Toyota corolla looking all nice and spiffy well as long as I stayed there cause as soon as my mind came back into focus and I pulled forward away from the car there was nothing but a big cannon enough to fit a couple of little children in there. It was pretty bad I didn’t even bother checking my car cause I was worried of what the other guy or women would say although I finally took a look at mine and my car didn’t have much damage to it the only thing that I saw was like a piece of fiber sticking out it was like trying to see a red crayon in the middle of the ocean. The bad thing was that my mind was collapsing in on its self coming up with nothing but the worst of ideas and not trying to think of a compromise. The thought came and came the feeling of my legs soon began to fade away as if I was about to collapse from the nerve-racking moment. If the thoughts were bad enough I also then had my friends filling my mind with even more nonsense like how my parents were goanna kill me and what if the other driver freaks out and like kicks my ass or something. What if it’s this hood rat that’s been in a couple of knife fights with a couple of wounds on his face and some dam gang tattoos running down his arms? The wait that was about to come was probably going to be me being me counting the seconds down to my death. Waiting there for the driver to come outside and find out what has happened to his car.

The author's comments:
Its an English prompt and I decided to see how good it would be

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