Jessica | Teen Ink


January 11, 2014
By radical_marie BRONZE, Renton, Washington
radical_marie BRONZE, Renton, Washington
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You have to love yourself before you love others.

Jessica is the girl eyes like a puppies, but a glare like a hawks. She can sweet talk her way out of any situation, as if candy was rolling off of her tongue. She would turn around and smack her lips, and her smirk made her seem like an evil queen. She had a mouth of a sailor, and wasn’t afraid to use it; she could put anyone down on the spot.

Her friend tells me that no one with such a smile can be trusted, but I’ve already told her my secrets. I start to wonder if she smirks, when she turns her back from me. But, no there is only a few people in this world I trust. I trust her. Jessica I mean.

Jessica, who taught you to keep perfect posture and always keep your head up? And, if I learn straighten out my back will people follow my footsteps too?

Your shirts that show your shoulders are really cool, how did you get your mom to let you wear it? My mom says that showing too much skin is harmful to young boys minds, but I don’t care about what boys think, I just want to look older like you do, and maybe gain that confidence that you have too much of. I’m hoping that my mom will change her mind, once you meet her, and she sees that ‘good girls’ show shoulders too.

I can’t remember all your friends names, because it seems as though you were friends with everybody. But, then why did you say those mean things about the girls at lunch, you said them as soon as we walked away, and I laughed because I didn’t want you to think you were not funny. I laughed, but it was not funny.

When you turn your back from people, people talk about you too. They have horrible stories, but I close my ears to them. Stories go around, and eventually hit everyone, and they have never seen the sadness in your eyes once they hit. Nothing is good if it makes a person sad. I know how much you’ve been through, I know that you try your best at everything, and that a lot of the time, when people misunderstand you, it’s just because you were trying too hard. But, the thing is with perfectionists, is that nothing can ever be perfect, so a perfectionist can never be happy.

Jessica, when is the last time you were truly happy? Was it the time we were laughing and couldn’t stop even though our stomachs were hurting, or maybe it was the time I think I saw you genuinely smile, remember you were talking about that one boy you really liked. If more people saw that smile, the innocent smile you never show, when you even tried to cover it from me by laughing and hiding behind the hair covering your face. If people saw that smile then everyone would love you even more, and no one would have to talk behind anyone’s back. That smile could make everyone in the room smile, Jessica. I hope you smile more like that now. I hope you smile like that everyday, because everyone deserves to smile like that.

The author's comments:
We are learning about vignettes in class, and I had to write some of my own. This is about my friend that I was really close to a few years back. She was the easiest person to ever talk to. This is for her.


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