Olivia | Teen Ink


December 16, 2013
By Maria Costantino BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Maria Costantino BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
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Olivia lives on a farm in Tennessee. She has a pig. The pigs name is Doyle. Olivia is very close to becoming a professional horseback rider. Olivia was on a trail with Doyle then the horse saw a snake and bucked her off she fell straight on her leg and hit her head. She was unconscious. Then Doyle ran all the way back to farm to get Olivia’s dad. She was squealing and her dad knew something was wrong. Her dad followed Doyle back to the trail. She was lying on the ground. He put Olivia back on the horse. He called an ambulance to come pick her up.
Her doctor said that she had a major concussion and is in treatment. She had been reacting horribly to the treatment. They were trying to figure out what was wrong. The doctor finally had a diagnosis. She has a brain tumor. If it wasn’t for Doyle going and getting her dad she probably would have been dead. The doctors had to perform a life threatening surgery right away. They started preparing her for the surgery. Within the next hour they were cutting off her hair and making the incision. After 14 long hours they completed the surgery. She was now in treatment.
If she survives she won’t be able to ride a horse for a year. She wants to just jump back into the work but she can’t. She can’t even go home yet. After 1 month in the hospital she can go home. Brain tumors take a long time to heal at home so the only thing that she can do is sit, eat, and sleep. It’s hard for her to talk and even move. She couldn’t do anything but one day she was being independent and went out to feed the chickens and she did it. She felt great so she went to go find Doyle in the pigpen. She couldn’t find her she started to run and tripped. When she woke up she was in the hospital.
All she could think about was Doyle. She made her dad go home and look for her. Olivia was devastated. Even worse she broke her arm. Now she REALLY can’t do anything. She just wants Doyle. Her dad went on a long trip and found Doyle. She went all the way to Mississippi. Olivia couldn't figure out why she left.
After 2 years she was completely healed and was back riding horses again. One day Doyle left and never came back. That made Olivia depressed. She decided to leave the farm to get away from the source of her depression. She packed her truck and got in the egg truck and left. The first thing she had to do was go to the bank and withdraw all of her all of her money. Then she went to went to the car dealership and traded the egg truck for a Hyundai elantra. She moved to Las Vegas, she lost all of her money.
She was working at a diner then a rich guy walked in. 15 years later Olivia lived in her mansion with her husband, Raymond and 3 kids in California. Raymond was a sociologist and he owned his own business. He was very famous. They were watching a movie then she got a phone call. Her dad was on his death bed and didn't have much time. They immediately took the private jet to Tennessee. She went to the hospital and saw him. She got 15 minutes with him before he was gone. Then she went to the farm and started to walk around. She went to the pig pen and found Doyle, she was so surprised. She went into the pen and there was a clear box with an envelope in it. It was a letter for he dad in it. It said...
Dear Olivia,
I was hoping that one day you would find this. Since you are my only child the farm is now yours. I really hope you take good care of it because this farm is where you grew up. It was your mother’s favorite place before she died. There is a check of $ 500 for farm purposes.
Take care, Dad

That night Olivia and Raymond had a long discussion and they decided to move back to Tennessee. The next morning they announced that they were moving. The kids were so upset that they stopped talking to them for a week. 3 months later they moved. They didn’t live in the farm house but they built a new house. Olivia was so happy to be back. She started to ride horses again. She ended up becoming a famous horseback rider.
Olivia and Raymond lived there until their deaths. They loved living on the farm. They thought that Tennessee was the perfect place to live. Their kids learned to love Tennessee also. All 3 of their kids got married and became very successful. Amy became a very successful business woman. Clark became a professional football player for the Green bay packers. During the off season Clark and his family would stay in Tennessee. Anthony became a famous singer. They all traveled to Tennessee as frequently as possible. Doyle lived on for many years with Olivia. The strongest bond is between a girl and her pig.

The author's comments:
I love horses, pigs, and farms so it all worked out

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