Angel From Above | Teen Ink

Angel From Above

May 10, 2013
By Hannah125 SILVER, Central, South Carolina
Hannah125 SILVER, Central, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you live to be 100, I want to live to 100 minus a day, so I'll never have to live without you."

Sometimes life goes by, and we forget the miracles that happened when we were young. Well, I want to tell you about the angel that saved my life. But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Amelia Jones, but you can call me Amy. I am currently 26 years old and I am the CEO of my own nationwide company. But that’s a different story.

I was 7 years old when I met an angel. I had really plain, dirty blonde hair and pale blue eyes to match. Most kids made fun of me because of my complexion and because of what I wore. My family wasn’t poor, but we couldn’t afford new clothes all the time. Many of my clothes were hand-me-downs from my brother and sister. When my mom would give me the clothes, I never let my disappointment show.

Every time I went to school, girls, all dressed up with their hair done perfectly, would laugh at my plain and sometimes greasy hair. One time, I wore my hair up in a sloppy ponytail, and I was wearing a soccer shirt of my brothers with some soccer shorts that were his as well. The girls would all run away just as quickly as their legs would carry them.

I used to ask my sister why no one liked me, but she would never answer me. My brother would do the same. They would just give me looks of embarrassment. My mom would say that I was different and that the little girls were jealous. But I don’t think that they were jealous. Why would they want greasy hair and hand-me-downs, when they can have model hair and fashionable clothes?

Well one day in mid-September, I was sitting on a bench on the playground. As I was swinging my legs, a boy about my age appeared. I got off the bench, terrified that he would hurt me just like everyone else does. But he stopped me and asked me to stay.
I sat and asked, “Why did you ask me to stay?”
He replied with a boyish grin, “Because I see no reason for you to leave.” I started to smile because this boy seemed different than anyone else.
“So what’s your name?”
“My name is Samuel, but I prefer Sam.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Sam. I’m Amelia, but you can call me Amy.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amy.” The way he smiled at me, it just made me feel safe and secure. We talked and laughed for what seemed like hours, but it was only until the bell rang to go back to class. From that day on, Sam and I became the best of friends. We met on that bench every day.

Until one day in March, Scott (the school bully) and his friends came up to me. Sam just seemed to have disappeared.
“Why are you sitting on our bench? I thought I told you to stay off of it!” He yelled.
“I was just….I just...” I stuttered, hoping and praying that some great explanation would come out of my mouth. He stalked towards me, like a panther stalking its prey. I turned to run, but Scott grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me down.

At that moment, I wanted to die. Scott and his friends kicked and punched me. I curled up into a ball and protected my head. After a few minutes, my body went completely numb. In the distant, I could hear a teacher rushing towards me. As I fell into the sweet arms of unconscious, I heard her scream, “CALL AN AMBULANCE!!”

When I opened my eyes, I could see Sam standing by a tree, waving at me. I walked over to him, well more floated. It was like I was flying. When I reached him, I was back on the ground.
“Sam! Boy am I glad to see you!” I hugged him as tight as my boney arms could hug him.
“Wait, where are we?” I asked as I took in my surroundings.
“You are in the layover,” he replied.
“What is the layover?”
“It’s a place between Heaven and Hell. You have to wait to see what the big man upstairs says.”
“Then why are you here?” As soon as I said that, Sam started to glow. I watched as his faded blue jeans and red Nike shirt became pure white jeans and a pure white button up shirt to match. Not to mention, he also had this beautiful pair of feathered wings. They reminded me of what little girls wear on Halloween when they dress up as angels.
“You’re an uh…uh….” I was so shocked that no words would come out of my mouth.
“I am an angel. More importantly, I am your guardian angel.”
“So you’re supposed to protect me?”
“Yes. That is my main priority.”
“Then why didn’t you protect me from Scott? Why didn’t you save me from the pain? Why didn’t you save me? I’m dead now because you didn’t do your job!” I screamed at him as the tears fell down my face. I slid down the tree and pulled my knees to my chest and just cried.
“Technically, you’re not dead. Your body is just in a coma on Earth.” He slid down next to me and pulled me to his chest. He started to hum and stroke my hair as if to make me fall asleep. I soon felt my eyelids drop until I was fast asleep on his chest.

It was nice and peaceful until I felt a bolt of electricity go through my body. I screamed and looked up at Sam for an explanation, but he wasn’t there. I felt that bolt again until my eyelids fell and reopened to see the doctor talking to my mom as she cried into her hands.
I reached out to her and said, “Mommy?”
“Oh, Amy, thank goodness you’re awake.”
“What happened?”
“Baby, you were almost killed by some kids at school. Why didn’t you tell me that you were being bullied?”
Flashbacks came rushing back through my head. “You were always so busy. I didn’t want to bother you.”
“I’m sorry that I haven’t been there for you. I’ll try to do better.”
I hugged my mom as tears of happiness slid down my face. “How about we go shopping for some new clothes when you get out of here?”
“That sounds good to me.” I looked out the window to see Sam smiling that boyish grin.
“Thank you Sam.”
“I’ll always watch out for you. I’ll never let hurt you ever again.” Sam kept that promise, and I was never hurt again.

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