The Race | Teen Ink

The Race

February 28, 2013
By yeager taylor SILVER, Hemet, California
yeager taylor SILVER, Hemet, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I press the gas my heart races just like the engine. I sit side by side the other racers. All the engines revving together sound like an orchestra rolling to a crescendo. I relax and begin to focus. I’m fourth back from the starting line. We make a slow lap to warm the tires and transmission. I roll to a stop and wait for the green flag. I narrow in on my target, the first racer to pass. My mind clears. With the first twitch of the green flag I slam the gas pedal down. The eight hundred horse power roars to life and jerks the truck forward. Instantly I’m side by side the truck that was in front of me edging to take over third place. I try the inside but he cuts me off then accelerates in the straight away. I begin to catch up and tap his back bumper to let him know that I’m there. I push harder and harder staying on his bumper waiting for him to make a mistake. As we enter the first turn I set up to take the inside hoping he takes the outside. We both enter the turn and with the push I give him he heads outside and I sweep down inside to make my move. Now I’m in third place focused on the next truck between me and the first place trophy. Like a lion after his prey I close the distance between me and next truck. This is what I live for all year long, the hunt. Five laps to go and I can see the writing on the helmet of the driver in front of me. I finally catch him. I give him a “love tap” so he knows I’m ready to pass. Unfortunately, he’s a little resistant to my wanting to pass. He tries to block every line I take. As I follow I realize his weakness, he’s predictable. I wait until he’s entering the jump and use my superior engine power to accelerate past him in the air and cut him off in the next turn cinching my second place spot. My foot slams the pedal down and I head to take over the lead. During each lap I gain valuable time on the leader. With only three laps to go he’s playing it safe. A racer should never give up racing. This gives me the opening I need to catch up. I study his every move, where he enters the turns, which lane he takes over the jumps and where he sets up for the straight away. Two laps to go and he is in my sights. He’s beginning to feel the heat of my presences. As I pass the white flag of the last lap I get my game face on and prepare for battle. I bump into his back bumper and add pressure. Each corner I set him up making him guess which line I’m going to take. I know it’ll be a sprint down the straight away and so I need to make my move earlier. During the last turn I come hard inside, as I come inside he tries to cut me off but I already commanded the corner, possession is the key. I gas out of the corner hard and take the shortest line to the checker flag. My engine doesn’t let me down and I cross the finish line half a truck link ahead. I raise my arm in victory and pound on my steering wheel in triumph. I roll into victory lane and my crew is over joyed. I pull down the protective mesh from the window and pull myself out to sit on the door. There’s nothing like winning.

The author's comments:
My love of racing

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