Beauty | Teen Ink


January 31, 2013
By ZierEsti BRONZE, New York, New York
ZierEsti BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lived my whole life in a tiny hut deep deep in the dark woods. No visitors disturbed by solitude. For I was waiting waiting. Another’s presence would keep her away from me. The shades were always closed so that when she came the light wouldn’t pain her. Year after year I waited for her. The years started weighing on me, and time took its toll. And yet I never doubted that she would find me, would fly to my side when she found me. Would swirl around me when she found me.

I was going to pass soon. Cobwebs covered me, surrounded me, embowered me. Dust gathered and settled. And still she didn’t come. Where was she? As I lay there alone and dying in that dark dreary room my heart cracked and broke. My hope faded and fled. My yearning grew and overpowered my frail will. My soul fled from its earthly shell. Bathed in gold light, there she was, waiting for me.

“Where were you” I screamed

“I waited so long for you”

“…I left my heart and my home empty for you”

She stared deep into my eyes and my eyes filled with tears. Her voice was soft and strong as she swiftly replied.

“You never looked for ME… I was always there and you forever shut me out…I waited for you out in the sunshine but the door was always closed…the window forever shut”

Darkness started seeping in…she started to fade.

“Beauty, my beauty…don’t leave me here alone” I cried.

But it was too late. The door slammed shut. I was left alone in the cold unforgiving darkness.

The author's comments:
Sometimes we must seek that which we yearn for.

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