Last Stop | Teen Ink

Last Stop

February 27, 2012
By Austin_Thomas BRONZE, Eatonville, Washington
Austin_Thomas BRONZE, Eatonville, Washington
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Everything changed at that moment I was reaching my hand out to open the the train cars door when it happened. I felt a flash of heat pass over me as the door in front of me was ripped off its hinges. My mind instantly started racing wondering what was going on I thought of how my parents little sister Ali, little brother Eddie, and the girl I have spent my entire life caring about Miku, were on the other side of that door. I felt flames whip my cheek as the door flew past me. I caught a glimpse of inside the train car. All I could see was smoke and flames. No, brother no sister. I think I caught a glimpse of my parents burning alive as the flew out the side of the train. Then I saw Miku laying on the floor of what was left of the railroad car with a large piece of shimmering glass immersed in the blood jutting out from her side.

Its been seven days now, and I have come back to this station everyday since planning on doing something I wouldn't be able to regret. No more waiting. Today is the day when it will all come to an end. I hear the train coming, this is the train that doesn't stop at this station. I stand up and walk to the side of the tracks. I hear the train roaring in my right ear as I step forward onto the tracks...

I rushed over to Miku's side. The train covered in flames, smoke ascending all around me. I lift up her head into my arms. I looked into her eyes and I hear her gently whisper “Where were you when I needed you most.”.

Finally those memories are gone.

The author's comments:
This was originally a school assignment written about this photo that is where the story got its name


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