Friendz <3 | Teen Ink

Friendz <3

March 15, 2011
By StayClassy1 SILVER, Stockton, California
StayClassy1 SILVER, Stockton, California
5 articles 1 photo 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Buy me food so i know it&#039;s real&quot;

We all sat side by side, elbow to elbow, and thigh to thigh. I could smell the girl on my rights perfume. It smelled like apples and peaches. I looked down at my written all over converse then at the other girls uggs, flats, and heels. We were all waiting at the buss stop. I guessed they were going to the same destination as me. High school. I will tell you the truth I love high school, I love my friends, and all the great people I get to meet. The bus pulled up. I stood up at the same time of the other girls, I breathed a sigh of relief. That perfume was beginning to suffocate me and that was the longest awkward silence I had ever had! The 3 girls slammed there small portable mirrors shut and pushed there way in front of me. I pushed my side-swept bangs out of my face and got on the bus too. I sat at the very back, plugged in my iPod and sat there listening to music until we pulled up to the school. I got off and saw my 5 dorky friends were they usually are to greet me. I walked over o them putting away my iPod. "Hey nerds." I greeted. They all laughed. "Hey, happy Monday." Megan said, jokingly punching me in the arm. I rolled my eyes and looked over to the 3 girls that were at the same bus stop as me. It turns out they did go to the same school as me. If I had to spend every morning like I had this morning I would walk to school! The 5 dorks I call friends are: Megan, Mary, Sarah, Alice, and Kimmy. We were known as the quirky-geeky group of people. Today Megan had her wavy blonde hair in tousled waves she was wearing a floral shirt, black shorts-I was starting to think she had taken my advice on not dressing like she's 5- until I saw her socks and shoes. Her socks had cows printed on them and her Marry Jane’s had fake feathers glued to them. I sighed to myself but hugged her anyway. Mary (Megan’s sister, they are a month apart) had hair straight blonde hair down as well. She was wearing a bright pink hoodie, a white shirt that had a stick figure on the front, a knitted blue skirt, striped socks, and sandals on. She hadn’t taken my advice either. Sarah's short brown hair was messy-like she hadn’t brushed it at all this morning. She was wearing a black cardigan, polka dotted shirt, teal leggings, and nude oxfords. Alice had her black hair pulled tight in a bun, she was wearing a striped scarf, a black shirt that had a bird on the front, striped shorts, bright yellow socks, and black vans. Kimmy had her curly dark brown hair in a braid. She was wearing a jean jacket, red shirt, green Capri’s, and red combat boots. I had my usual on: a plaid shirt, neon tank, jeans, and my written all over converse. My light brown hair lay in its usual place. We stood there talking for a few more minutes until the bell rang for first quarter. We grabbed are backpacks and walked inside the gates to the school. There was now no escaping.

I woke up the next morning to a bad headache and stomach ache. I was sick. In fact I had been sick for a whole week! It sucked, but now I was riding the bus to school, healthy again. I smiled as we pulled up to school, I expected my ‘dorky’ friends to be in there places like they had always been. But no, I couldn’t believe my eyes!! The 3 girls from the bus-the girly stuck up girls- were hanging out with my friends! And they had a new spot! They were talking-laughing now! I had been gone for a week, that’s all it had taken for those three girls to steal my friends! I walked off the bus and sort of just stood there staring at ,y ‘friends’ wait were they even my friends anymore?! Of course they are still my friends, they wouldn’t just ditch me. I told myself. But I wasn’t fooled. My dorky friends, which had never taken my advice on not dressing like they were 5, were wearing frilly little dresses and glittery flats! And I could tell from here, they were definitely wearing makeup!! They had NEVER worn makeup, I had known them for 3 years and never once had I seen them wore makeup. I walked right past them and they didn’t even look over…this was going to be a painful day. I cried that night, I cried ALL night! This happened all week, they didn’t even take notice of me! It was a new week, Monday, not my best day. But on every Monday morning since I had known Megan she always said, “happy Monday” when I saw her. It was an inside joke. Today was the day I was confront them-all of them! This is it! I kept thinking, I almost tripped on the stairs while I walked off the bus. I started walking over to their new place where they hung out. As I walked over to them, my steps now being slow, it was like my joints all locked in place, I saw Megan smile-not a happy smile-but a pain filled fake smile. Just seeing that made want to cry right then and there. She noticed me standing there with wide eyes and mouthed, “Happy Monday.” Then she smiled-the happy kind of smile! I smiled back and turned to leave. I walked to my locker and had this feeling surging through my veins. Something about those words she mouthed to me, gave me the feeling that everything was going to work out. I was getting my ‘dorky’ friends back.


This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 18 2011 at 5:24 pm
bekahtrib SILVER, Berwyn, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 37 comments

In the beginning, you tell so much about the differences of your characters by their shoes. I really loved that.

This  would be easier to read with some formating. Perhaps make smaller paragraphs?

Nice entry!
