Snow Wish part 3 unfinished | Teen Ink

Snow Wish part 3 unfinished

November 9, 2010
By HoneyMomo GOLD, Oakdale, California
HoneyMomo GOLD, Oakdale, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Memory is the single way the experience can be captured and taken."

I woke up to soft whispers,i opened my eyes and saw what looked like a girl and guys legs standing in the kitchen,so i thought it might be Eru and his girlfriend Rebekah.I was about to pop up and say morning when the girl's voice said"Jake,i want you but what should we do about Eru?"I stayed down after hearing that and did not dare to make any movements,i closed my eyes tight as i can,i pretended that i was sleeping.Rebekah continued"I just can't keep doing this,this sneaking around,afraid that Eru might come around the corner at any moment and lying all the time!"It was silent for a while then i heard Rebekah say"Come on,no fooling around this early,Jake baby you know i can't deny you but neither can i lie."I heard foot steps,the thump and click clack coming towards me.I guess shes the type to wear heel from the sound of it."Eww,some dirty hobo is on the couch."she said.I held my breath and felt frozen."Come on beck,let's go to the diner,forget about it."Said what must've been Jake,Eru's older brother.His voice was deep but muffled like his mouth had cotton balls or...then i thought like those druggies on TV.I heard the clunking of their shoes move father away and shuffle of their jackets,then the door closed with a soft click.I popped up gasping for air and shocked at all that i just happened in one day.Acting stupid and rebellious for dressing like this and stomping out of my house,meeting a stranger and following him home,then of all things trusting him enough to pass out on his couch!I stood up,took a deep breath

The author's comments:
What inspired me from this peice was the tales my mom told me of her childhood and how her parents were so busy in thier own lives and she had to take care of her younger siblings.And a rumour i heard one year that it could snow in my town when it hasnt in years.

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