Why I Killed Your Friend | Teen Ink

Why I Killed Your Friend

September 16, 2010
By Star3 BRONZE, Howards Grove, Wisconsin
Star3 BRONZE, Howards Grove, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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It came to pass

There's a reason you know, Why I killed you
Why I came to school today, with a gun in my pocket and bullets in my bag

My reason is why

Why everyday I walk up these stairs and you turned up your nose and snickered at my back

Why everyday you let me walk these hall's invisable, but never deaf to your cruel words

Why everyday I sit at this table alone but surrounded by kings and queens rejecting me even as your slave

Why everyday I try harder and harder
Why everyday my best is never enough good enough
Why everyday you stomp and trample and destroy my already crushed being

They were my reason, they were my why

Don't be his reason, don't be her why, I'm not the only one with a gun in my pocket

The author's comments:
This is told from the perspective of a person who committed suicide after going to school with a gun and killing some of of their class mates before turning the gun on themselves


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